Wonderful Prop 8 post and a few of my own thoughts

Nov 06, 2008 17:56

Why Are Prop 8 Supporters So Obsessed With Our Sex Lives?

Often I think about the wounds of America, injuries that run deep from injustice and hate. Some days the pain fades but it is not forgotten, it throbs in the background drowned out by our jublication. And some days like today bigotry creaps in and picks at those healing scabs until they are raw and bloody again, leaving us feeling vulnerable. I will not give into the bigots as they poisen good peoples minds, confusing them until they don't know who the true enemy is. I ask for our allies, straight or LGBT, no matter the color of your skin or the religion that holds your heart. Do not abanden the fight now. Do not give into the whispers that wish to divide is. This is a time of great change, the recent joy effect all of us, proving that there need not be limits on dreams. The recent heartbreak affects many of us too, LGBT and allies alike, reminding us that freedom from the limitations schained upon us by others must be fought against ferosiuosly. I have hope, but only through unified effort can our dreams of true equality for all Americans truely be realised.

social change, justice, lgbtq, poltics, race

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