Been a long time...

Dec 14, 2007 14:35

I can't even remember the last time I came here to rant. I've never been busier. And I don't mean that in such a good way.

Nursing school. Nursing school is the hardest thing I've ever done in my life. EVER.

I'm not sure if it's because I picked this lovely ACCELERATED PROGRAM or what. What was I thinking?

I've always been a straight A student... Now I'm struggling just to pass. What is it about nursing school that is so different? And it must be the accelerated program, because (no offense to any nurses out there or anything), I have seen some DUMB nurses in my lifetime. How did they get through school? How did they pass their board exam?

Oh yea, they didn't do the accelerated program. Silly me.
My life consists of the following: wake up, go to class (or the hospital for clinicals), come home, take an hour break, and study til I go to bed. Fun isn't it?

And despite the absurdly huge amount of time I dedicate to studying for my exams, it's not reflected in my grades sometimes. I have never failed anything in my life, but since in this program you fail at 76%, you can see how easy it is to fuck up. Sound to fair to anyone?

The program started at the end of August. Since then, we've lost about 10 students. Why you ask? Well, take this one girl, who was getting straight As on everything. We have this RIDICULOUS exam called a "Critical Thinking Exam", where they give you a scenario and you have to decide what to do for a patient. Well guess what? all the straight As in the world don't matter. If you don't pass this critical thinking shit, you fail out of the program. Yep, that's right. So, it's like a ticking time bomb. At any moment, even if you're doing great, you can fail.

I thought they were in desperate need of nurses? Why do they make it so hard??! I don't get it.

One instructor will give the lecture, and another, without even knowing what was mentioned in class, will write the exam. Does that make sense to you?

When they decide after exams that the answer they originally picked for a question is wrong, they'll go ahead and pick a "better" answer (because 1 or 2 students argue about it), and after you THOUGHT you got the question right, they take points off your exam.

One instructor tells you one thing, you put that as your answer on an exam, and then you get it marked wrong when another instructor is making the key because they all practice nursing a different way. Then they proceed to tell you nursing is "NOT" subjective. WHAT -the fuck- EVER.

They lecture you about being late (even though those of us sitting in class are the ones who show up early), when they can't even show up on time for clinicals or exams. They never have their lectures and materials ready for class.

I could keep making this list longer, but I'd rather take a nap.

I'm so exhausted. I'm trying to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but even though the program ends in July, I feel so far away from that. Any slip, and you're done for. I feel as though I'm in some deep ocean and I don't know how to swim. Just barely staying afloat.
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