My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat HaulMoon_san goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as A Jehovas Whitness.
_geekcore gives you 7 light blue cola-flavoured nuggets.
cheese_monkay gives you 10 dark blue spearmint-flavoured gumdrops.
concreteboy gives you 3 dark blue lime-flavoured miniature candy bars.
dannyroh gives you 5 yellow orange-flavoured gumdrops.
davidhunt gives you 6 pink pineapple-flavoured gummies.
dincht tricks you! You get a dead frog.
exzentrikfaerie gives you 9 light blue tropical-flavoured jelly beans.
glitter_rose tricks you! You lose 28 pieces of candy!
hopeless_faerie gives you 14 light yellow cola-flavoured hard candies.
iowagoth666 gives you 17 light green blueberry-flavoured jelly beans.Moon_san ends up with 43 pieces of candy, and a dead frog.Another fun meme brought to you by