nopoo week 3 (yes, it makes me giggle every time too)

Jul 20, 2010 11:34

Wow! I just wrote a really long post about baking soda and vinegar shampooing, which I tried out last night for the first time. But my network connection died, and I don't actually feel self-indulgent enough to write a treatise about washing my hair TWICE, so I'll sum up: while I haven't shampooed for at least three weeks, I had previously just been rinsing and massaging my head every day. Last night I tried a baking soda 'wash' and a conditioning vinegar 'rinse', and I have to say, it does everything they said it would do.

The baking soda clearly cleaned my hair, and after I rinsed it out, my hair felt so unpleasantly squeaky clean that I nearly put on normal conditioner. I stuck it out and did a dilute cider vinegar rinse, though, and this morning I have soft hair that feels like it was just shampooed. Kind of anticlimactic. So, I gotta say, if you're one of those people who's strongly committed to shampooing a lot (which is totally fine), but you're bored one night? Try washing with a tablespoon of baking soda in a cup of water and conditioning with a similarly dilute apple cider vinegar solution. I betcha it'll feel just like normal.

I find that I miss the SMELL of my conditioner -- I might try putting a few drops of an essential oil in the vinegar rinse next time. Other than that, well, it all worked surprisingly boringly well.

In other news, I desperately need a haircut, and I don't feel like doing it myself. Do you have a person you particularly like, who's local, good with superfine hair, and willing to use clippers and listen when I say that I don't want the girly fringey bits?

eco, beauty, health, nopoo, omphaloskepsis, hair

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