Rough days happen

Feb 07, 2008 12:16

Ugh. It’s been an utmost unsuccessful day to say the least. I woke up early this morning so that I could be productive and get things crossed off my to-do list, which is of course my favorite feeling in the entire world. I was going to exchange my traveler’s checks, buy some leotards and tights for my ballet class, and then actually go to my classes. Unfortunately it didn’t quite happen that way. I went in search of the American Express office that I had directions to, and felt fairly confident in my map-reading skills. Unfortunately, I didn’t get there. I walked all over stupid creation just to get my money, and never found the stupid office. So my next thought was, nevermind, I’ll just use an ATM to get some cash so I can go buy some ballet outfits…it didn’t happen. My feet started to cramp and my legs got too tired from walking around for so long. I luckily just wandered down a street that looked familiar and ended up at the duomo, which is pretty much the most centrally located landmark in the city. I missed my ballet class because I got so lost, but I’m trying hard not to get discouraged and just go home. I have one other class that I need to go to, but I’m so close to my apartment (at the API office) that it would be so easy to just go home and crash out. It’s the start of the weekend for me after today, so I have plenty of time to go and get that stuff done tomorrow. Hopefully I can rally the help of one or two of my roommates so at least if I get lost again I won’t feel so helpless. I felt so uncomfortable because nothing looked familiar, and I was all by myself carrying my laptop and my passport and several traveler’s checks worth quite a bit of money.

On a lighter note, I’m sleeping better and I went to the grocery store with Nalleli yesterday. It was kind of far, but it made me feel a great deal better to have food at home so I know I won’t starve. I also got shampoo and conditioner which I was almost out of, and some necessary things for just around the apartment. I always feel better when I feel prepared, so knowing that I have things to keep me clean and fed, I’m pretty secure. I’m still having a hard time because a lot of things aren’t really familiar, but I’m getting my bearings. The only problem is that in Texas if you get lost, you’re most likely in your car or in a store or some confined space where you can either lock the doors or everyone speaks English. I’m pretty sure I could ask someone for help in Italian, but I would be afraid I wouldn’t understand the instructions and get even more lost. Or I could get robbed for that matter since I’m clearly walking around looking lost with a map in my hand. Things are kind of uncomfortable right now, and getting my personal things stolen would definitely not help with my stress levels.

Perhaps I will call home tonight.
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