
Feb 05, 2008 22:58

So I started my classes yesterday. Mondays are going to be heck because I have three classes, two of which are two and a half hours classes. My attention span only lasts about 50 minutes, so I think I might have a hard time focusing in those classes if I'm not careful. I just have to make sure I don't have anything on my mind before I go to those classes. Here's a little recap:

Italian Intermediate 1: Should be a fairly typical language course. Challenging enough that I have to actually show up and pay attention, but not impossible to succeed in. There are only 7 girls in the class, but it seems like none of us are really shy about making mistakes or really that incredibly confident in our Italian abilities. I absolutely adore our teacher, Luca. He's the only male in the whole classroom, and his sense of humor is so charming.

Religion and Politics in the Middle East: I was actually greatly looking forward to this class, but I'm unsure how much I'll like it as the semester progresses. Our teacher seems extremely intelligent, but speaks very slowly, I think in the interest of getting the English correct. There is a girl in my class from my school that I wasn't expecting to see, so that was good. Unfortunately, politics is just something I'm not really interested in, so I have a hard time paying attention.

Enthusiasm - Seeking the Divine through the Lost Sciences: I'm not sure how I feel about this class. I'm really interested in the subject (we're studying alchemy, kabbalah, gnosis and astrology - I think), but there are people in the class that I think are really going to get on my nerves. Some of the people are the really intellectual type that like to participate in every conversation, so much so that it's practically a conversation between those few students and the teacher. There are also others that get really upset about how the class is taught, and so object and conflict with the teacher. It's just...irritating. I'm all for asking questions and being inquisitive and curious, but it bothers me when the questions and connections to the other classes interrupt the flow of the class. I hate it when the class doesn't take the shape that the professor was intending because I take classes to hear the professional opinion of someone who has studied what they're teaching, not some student who thinks they know what they're talking about. I'm trying not to get too upset about it yet, though.

Ballet: yes indeed, I'm taking Ballet. I'm in Italy, so I'm trying something new! It's just an introduction course, so I'm not really expected to know anything...but there's just something about a class with mirrors covering 50% of the walls in the room that make me self-concious about my body and what it's doing. I'm sure I'm probably being too hard on myself or whatever, but I feel really awkward and ugly doing moves that should be beautiful and graceful. I guess I just imagine myself looking different when I'm dancing around my kitchen then I actually look like when I see myself. Oh whatever, it will teach me to be comfortable with my body.

Globalization and its Consequences: I feel soooo lost in this class. I'm apparently the only one in the entire class that is taking the class because it fulfills a requirement. Everyone else is taking it because it has to do with their major, or because they are interested in it. One of my roommates is in that class, but didn't talk to me the entire time she was there. I'm not sure what's going to happen in that class, but there is this really sweet Mexican boy named Rodrigo that sits next to me that I'm glad to have already established a good relationship with. I don't plan on jumping his bones or anything, but I'm hoping that he'll fulfill the testosterone requirement in my personality. I've just...had enough of girls. Love my girls, but I need a balance. I think he could help me understand that stupid class too. I think I wouldn't feel so lost if I felt like I was interested in the subject I wouldn't mind studying.....buuuut I'm not. That class is going to be difficult.

Yesterday was good, but today was kind of difficult. On days like today, I really miss home and just feel like sitting around doing nothing. Unfortunately it's the first few days of classes, so I have to go get school supplies and books which HAVE to be at different stores for every single textbook I have to get. Lame. So tomorrow is Wednesday and I have one class which I'm done with at 11:45. I'm going to run all my errands and this weekend get everything organized so that I'm ready for the semester.

Free weekend this weekend, milan and parma next weekend, maybe pompeii and naples the weekend after, then rome. The semester is going to fly by....I hope.

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