[Accidental Video/Phone call]

Jan 22, 2011 00:49

[She'd been seeing glimpses of Trabia for sometime but Selphie had initially began dismissing them as a trick of the light. However, when she'd started doing double-takes practically everytime she took a step outside the door of Raine's tavern, that was when Selphie started to worry. She'd kept herself busy playing with Slai and pitching in at the tavern.

Then she came back to Garden and that's where things get worse. It's been several weeks since she'd been whisked out of Garden and down to Dali for some much needed rest and relaxation but now that she's back... she keeps seeing broader glimpses of Trabia. Even as she's coming back from the training centre drenched in sweat from a good training, the glimpses are still there. All she wants right now is a shower, a good stretch and then a nap but as she punches in her passcode to enter her room she finds herself in a place that haunts her dreams.

The ruins of Trabia Garden are spread out before her as Selphie drops her Skyphone. The feed springs to life to a background of a disaster site. There's rubble everywhere and Trabia's insignia litters the ground before Selphie's bolting forward to search for survivors. She's calling out the names of her fallen friends and digging through the rubble for any signs of life.

If she ever thought that Gaia was a cruel place... this would definitely be one of the times that those thoughts were at their worst. She comes back for the Skyphone eventually and realizing that it's been on the entire time, Selphie quickly slaps the phone shut.

The look on her just before the feed cuts out is a mix of shame, guilt and fear.]

selphie tilmitt, !video post, bartz klauser, rinoa heartilly, squall leonhart, irvine kinneas

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