[Video/Action for Kain (and anyone else ending up on Mount Ordeals, I guess?)]

Jan 22, 2011 07:09

[After becoming so used to Mysidia sharing Alexandria's climate, the dry and dusty air and lack of humidity on Mount Ordeals takes Porom aback for a few seconds. Once she regains her composure, she cautiously nudges the dirt beneath her feet with her shoe, trying to see if the place is real or just another cruel illusion.

It seems real enough. When she turns on the skyphone it's just another test - surely if she can send a message, it means she's not really home.]

Hello? I apologize for the interruption but- I've found myself somewhere that shouldn't exist on Gaia. Am I able to communicate from here? Or have I returned-

[Doubt returns to her after a few seconds. Much as she wants to believe this is true, she's cautious enough after all the illusions not to choose to believe without being sure. One more test. She places both hands over her eyes.]


[For a second it works, and she scans the area using the eyes of the stones and the clouds and the wind to see the whole of the mountain. And then she tries to look further and the spell fails spectacularly in a way her spells havn't since she was a child. Maybe the eyes of whatever is beyond the mountain don't want a bothersome white mage seeing through them, maybe whatever is beyond the mountain just doesn't want to be seen. Maybe there is simply nothing to see beyond the mountain. Whatever the reason she yelps in pain, breaking the spell and clutching the side of her head until it stops feeling like her eyes and brain are waging war upon each other. At some point in the mess, the skyphone hits the ground and stops recording and once she recovers the need to test how real the area is is already over. She picks it up and stands shakily.

Real or not, she has to have been sent to such a sacred place for a reason. After a moments' hesitation, she heads up the path.]

cecil harvey, !action post, !video post, porom, kain highwind

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