[Video (Filtered from Lufene/the usual people)]

Jan 22, 2011 00:46

[Rydia's standing by a shallow pool of water, staring around with undisguised nostalgia. The reason for that becomes apparent when she pans around with her sky phone, revealing a village familiar to at least some people. It's that of Mist, at least as it was whole and unspoiled. That the area is completely devoid of anyone else blunts her enjoyment a little, but...at least she can see her hometown again. That's something she won't take for granted.]

It's happened again, though this time I wasn't taken to the Feymarch.

[She smiles, though. While she misses the Eidolon kingdom, this place is also very dear to her heart.]

I hope I'm not needed for anything, since I'd like to spend my time here as long as this lasts. Far too much time has passed since I've been home, even though this isn't real...for now. I wonder if this means Mist is next to appear in Gaia?

edward chris von muir, penelo, cecil harvey, rydia of mist, !video post

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