i miss you miss you

Mar 01, 2010 17:38

ah...classic blink-182 :P

so i borrowed the book "the lovely bones" from my bud down the hall, jammer (hey neighbour). i have never read the book though it was the craze when i was going to high school. most of the girls read it as their final ISU project in English, where they had to compare a book to other ones we read in class (i always picked crappy books...i liked and disliked isu projects). today, i have no recollection of their presentations but i think i remember the certain themes - loss of innocence, loss of self etc. etc. i always said to myself that one day i would read the book. i want to watch the movie but all that i spoke to said read the book first. so i read it in 2 days. i never read books that fast. i have to be really into a book when i basically decide to read nonstop. my eyes hurt from reading but i guess it was worth it.

i am so glad i did not read this book when i was in high school. i would not "get" it so to speak. i was, shocking i know, kinda a nerd in my younger days. i was wicked innocent and had fun singing along and riding bikes in the summer as opposed to drinking alcohol that an older sibling bought and making out with boys. had i read this in high school i would have been confused about certain details and uncomfortable with most of the book. my mind has been warped since then so that's how i am able to handle it now :P even at 24, turning 25 this year, there are many a thing i still don't get and am quite innocent about. but this book...whoa. how could girls in grade 11 read this???? granted we were 15/16 but still!! how could the teachers let girls read this in high school? it's kinda dark. and by kinda, i mean pretty. but that doesn't mean i didn't like it. i just would not have liked in when i was 15.

tonight i'm going to watch the movie. i'm glad i took the advice of jamie and read the book first. i might have been lost on the movie or at the least freaked out. now i know what's coming. last night, when ray flicked on silence of the lambs, i had no idea what was coming...eek. i hate movies like that and then i like movies like that. i get all creeped out and because my imagination has never lost it's vastness, even with age and being told countless of times that i was a dork because of it, it ran away from me. i checked behind the shower curtain to make sure that hannibal wasn't poised there ready to eat my face off :S then because i was reading lovely bones and watching silence of the lambs, of course my dreams last night were filled with murderers and psychopaths. but none of them touched me. i just watched from the sidelines. that didn't make it less frightening.

yesterday i got kinda a reality check from my mom. it was that i will be 25 this year and that i need to start acting more adult-ish. that means that my mail should come to me and my parentals should not be responsible for delivering it to me. also i need to budget more and stay to that budget. my mom said that if i was in a bind i can get some money from them but i have to be prepared for them to not be able to give me a way out. this reality check at laundry led me to have a great conversation with ray in the bedroom while neil slept on the couch. we just talked but it was very nice. i won't repeat what we talked about. but it was nice knowing that i can have conversations like that with ray.

i'll grow up...eventually. but i believe it to be important to still keep some childhood innocence, no matter what happens in life. it can help you out of tough times and remind you of happier days. some days i wish i was more like myself now in high school. it makes me think i might have had an easier time with certain things. but, then how would i have grown to be the person that i am today. and what would the future hold if what i knew now i knew when i was younger? what would be left to learn?

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