real ick real sick.

Feb 23, 2010 11:07

i feel soooo gross.

so yesterday i tried to make myself a great lunch. i had some chicken, noodles, a whack of different veggies and i decided to use some caesar dressing as my sauce to put it all together. the thought was a good one. the caesar dressing was a little mysterious. the expiration date was does that mean march 9, 2010 or march 10, 2009? i tired it anyway and not 10 minutes after i was done eating it all down, i threw it all back up again. that was an hour before i had to leave for work. so i called in sick to metro...threw up again...and took the rest of the day to just lie in a crumpled heap on the comfy chair.

went to bed last night and was still feeling kinda nauseous but i had gingerale, which really helped, and i had a grilled cheese for that was ok. but again, feeling nauseous before bed. wake up this morning planning on going to work, go to the bathroom and i don't throw up but i feel like i have to. there is nothing in my stomach to throw up...there isn't even bile. so again, i am staying home from work, much to the dismay of ray and our finances. but something is up and i don't know what it is.

i called my dr and i have an appointment in 2 weeks. this is just so weird. i keep getting sick randomly at different times of the day. the one day i was sick at 4am for crying out loud. ray and i know it can't be a virus because it's so inconsistent. ray thinks it might be a food allergy or some kind of food sensitivity. which, in theory, makes sense. when i was sick in january, the day before i had pasta at east side mario's. yesterday i had mr noodles which can count as noodles/pasta. the other time i was sick at 4am i had lasagna from pizza hut...aka pasta. so maybe it's a pasta thing? but last week we had spaghetti and i was absolutely maybe it's like processed/packaged pasta??? i dunno because i've had mr noodles plenty of times and i still feel ok. the other time i was sick was after i had meatloaf at my parentals house but nobody else got sick. so then ray and i were thinking maybe it's a grain thing but again, i eat bread all the time and i'm just sick at random times.

so i have no idea what's up. i haven't thrown up today but i feel like i'm going to. i'm gonna have some gingerale and i've made myself some jello (which is in the fridge setting). my manager at sears said that i should start keeping a food journal and write down all that i consume. so, instead of working on advertisements and business cards for my friend's boyfriend, i made myself a cute little food diary chart in microsoft excell :P hopefully this will be able to shed light on what could be the problem.

but for now, i shall just go get cozy and hold my stomach. maybe the heating pad might help...
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