Silver lining in the clouds oh and I, I wish that I could work it out

Mar 20, 2010 11:47

lol...i hate when i copy and paste something and then forget i have it copied and end up copying something else! LOL

let me go back and copy it again...there. i decided to write an answer to the writer's block suggestion from lj.

If you could choose to be born again as a citizen of any country in the world, which country would you choose, and why?

I would love to have been born as a citizen of the United Kingdom, more specifically England. My dad was born there and then came over here when he was just a wee lad, so I can get dual citizenship someday (and i plan to). No, I would love to have been born in England and why you ask? Well, England just has a certain appeal to me. I love the country side. I love the different dialects. I love that they are all super football (aka soccer) fanatics. I can stand the food. I am definitely a meat and potatoes kinda gal. Plus, how cool is it to have a queen! I know parliament mainly does everything but just to go to Buckingham Palace and be like oh! It's the queen!!! *waves* I am glad that I was born in Canada though. Canada is pretty kick ass too. So much natural space!!! Take that everywhere else!! Some time in the future though, I will travel to England. Maybe stay for quite a bit.

And yeah that's all I have to type today. Applied for a job - haven't heard back yet. Stomach xray on wednesday - should be fun. Work is the same. blah blah blee blah! Gonna play my bass today.  We were gonna go to the movies but Ray isn't feeling well because he had real people milk and not his lactose free milk so we don't wanna chance it at the movies. We'll go Wednesday night after my xray :) So just having a nice lazy saturday and enjoying each others company <3
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