I keep mulling over the story arc from this week's Once Upon a Time, and my initial annoyance at Rumpelstiltskin being involved in EVERY major fairy tale remains, but I can't help but be compelled by Robert Carlyle. The man is sublime, and watching him and Lana Parrilla go head-to-head is a delicious thrill. They're just pros. And I'm glad that the show has foregrounded them and their characters' feud more and more, because Jennifer Morrison cannot carry the show. She's great in the ensemble, and her chemistry with the Charmings is, well, charming, but she doesn't have the "oomph" needed for me to believe that Emma holds the key to unraveling the curse.
Speaking of curses...
What if Regina is the wife who left Rumpelstiltskin because of his cowardice? I know, I know, it stretches credibility since she was always a noblewoman of some sort (or so I assume with what we've been given thus far) and he was a peasant farmer, but I can't shake the idea that this is one giant, messy divorce, with powerful exes going for each other's throats. Being forced to leave her son behind might account for the beginning of her unraveling.
It doesn't help that the "please" stuff between them hits all kinds of power and control kink buttons.
I'm SO fighting off the urge to write smutty Mr. Gold fic.