Fic: "Respite," 1/1, TVD, Elena/Elijah, R.

Feb 12, 2012 15:31

I think I've written more for Porn Battle than I did for half of last year!

Title: “Respite” 1/1
Author: monimala
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Rating/Pairing: R, Elena/Elijah, general season three spoilers.
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters!
Summary: 550 words. Written for Porn Battle XIII, for the prompt “trust.”

Elena comes to him when she needs quiet, when the noise of the rest of her life gets to be too much --being the pull-toy for two warring brothers is an exhausting predicament; being the pull-toy for two warring brothers who actually care about one another is even more so. He and Klaus have never had that problem… and when Elena slips into the mansion and heads for the private domain of his study, Klaus makes no comment. There’s just the arrogant arch of his brows, the snide twist of his lips that, if Elijah were prone to violence, would incite him to punch it into submission. But Elijah isn’t a violent creature. No, he’s a practical one. It’s far more prudent to welcome Elena into his arms than it is to acknowledge his brother’s sly tics.

She settles against him with a sigh that reveals multitudes: her relief, her ease, her trust. All of it more than he deserves. She pillows her head on his shoulder, and her hair feels like silk on his lips. They stand in front of the unlit fireplace in that simple embrace for what seems like eons, until her warmth has seeped into every corner of his old bones. Until her warmth turns into blazing heat.

The very first time, he made love to her with painstaking care. Mindful of her human fragility, of the impermanence of her, of just how easily she might shatter. He kissed the hollow behind her ear, stroked the soft curve of her belly, and caressed her inner thighs with the rough pad of his tongue. It wounded her far more than any blow. “Don’t treat me like I’ll break, Elijah,” she’d whispered from beneath him. “Please. I can handle it. I have to handle it.”

And so, now, always, he lets her dictate the terms, set the pace. She turns compassion and comfort into something wicked and hungry, backing him towards the leather sofa and tearing at his clothes. They act in silence, in tacit agreement that has no need for words. Soon he is stripped bare, and she is sprawled across his lap like some wanton woodland sprite. The carefree Elena she has never been, the selfish Elena she will never be, taking him to the hilt inside her and owning all that she wants. For a few moments, he simply watches her, gripping her hips as she rises and falls over him like the sun.

She comes to him when she needs quiet. He comes into her seeking absolution.

She fucks him with a ferocious elegance, calling his monster forth so that she can lick the outlines of his blood-rich veins and catch her lips on his elongated teeth. He wants to be tender, it’s his nature to be tender, but for her sake he’s harsh instead, slamming their bodies together, leaving marks for her to hide under her clothes. He allows her to drain him of his will and his come in equal measure, and steals precious bites of all that she has to give. She can handle it. She has to handle it. She handles him with infinite strength and a dangerous grace.

Elena goes back to the Salvatores with Elijah’s scent on her skin, his taste on her mouth… and her spirit restored.


February 12, 2012

porn battle, vampire diaries, random fic

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