Shit Happens

Jan 07, 2010 12:29

After a hiatus of about 5 months i'm back online. My old laptop crashed and i just recently bought a replacement. Alot has happened these last few months and i kept thinking damnit i need to blog this! Now that i have net access my life will probably be boring again. But that is a good thing, right?
I briefly had a roommate with ADD, and by briefly i mean i asked him to move out after only 3 weeks (he ended up staying in my home 6 weeks). The guy has no common sense, it was like living with a child. He never put the lid back on anything he used, he always left food encrusted on dishes that he "washed", he burnt everything he tried to cook (he had to replace my casserole dish because he had permenantly damaged it), he put a hot saucepan on my antique table without a hotpad, he left a stove burner on overnight, he stashed dirty plates behind my couch, he had a habit of leaving the doors to my home unlocked (i had to tape up a sign over the lock reminding him), he wiped my furniture with a bleachy rag.... you get the idea. He was a menace. I wish i had been able to photograph and post some of the crazy shit i came home to. Hopefully my friend Cheryl will be moving in, i really don't want to have another stranger living in my home.
Other unsettling things have been occuring, maybe i will blog about them. Anyway, it's good to be back.


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