
Feb 06, 2009 08:57

I hate this parent taught driver's ed thing. The information packet is techno-gibberish you can't understand without a decoder ring. I'd really like them to have driver's ed as part of the high school curiculum like they did when I took it but no, liability issues.

Why am I so irritated? Paul and I got to the DMV, stood in the line, only to be told we didn't have an attendance form from his school, proving that he's enrolled. Silly me for assuming that his report card from two weeks ago and his student id would be enough.

Good grief.

So now Monday, I get to go up to the high school and obtain this so-called proof of education and pick another day for us to go over to the DMV so we can stand in line all over again.

*grumbles and goes into the kitchen to bake brownies*
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