Blow & Go

Feb 11, 2009 06:59

Well, aside from a brief power outage and a lot of high wind, we weathered the squall line that passed through Dallas just fine. There were reports of a tornado, hail and high wind damage I won't know until the sun's up to see how we did. We knew the weather was going to be bad when our old man dog, Patrick, went into our closet. *L* He generally begins panting about 20 minutes or so before we get a storm and we rate the severity of the storm by where he winds up. The back of the boys' hallway is for severe thunderstorms but our closet is reserved for tornado strength storms. This is a big deal largely because he has to go through our bathroom to get to the closet and he avoids any place where he might be getting a bath.

I'm really happy that I have such a weirdo for a cat. The hubs let him out last night before we checked the weather and realized just what we were in for. Fortunately, Speezo comes when he's called and when I went out on the front porch, he came bounding across the neighbors' yard like a little ghost. (At night, all you see are the white lower half and his eyes... it's eerie.)


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