Here it is. Every January or February, I roll it out. The boring curriculum post. But honestly, I WORK SO HARD on this stuff and spend so many hours planning it, tweaking it, ruminating on it, researching it...that it feels unfair not to share it. And because I absolutely adore looking at other homeschool curriculum plans, I figure there might be someone out there somewhere who is interested. So here goes...
Next year we are not changing much. This year has worked out wonderfully. I had to work my tail off designing a history/literature curriculum again, since Ages of Grace disappeared, but it sort of took on a life of its own and the difficulties I'd had in the past doing this were solved by having used Ages of Grace for a year and learning from it. I'm going to post Maria's curriculum first.
Maria’s 7th Grade
Religion: Journaling Through the Liturgical Year Math: Saxon 7/6 or 8/7 at Brighton (I tested her this week because we have never used Saxon and she is not quite ready for 8/7 yet, but we have all spring and summer, so she may be ready by fall) Science: The Rainbow (Jr High Science 1) at Brighton (first choice) or Noeo Biology II at home Writing: Classical Composition Chreia/Maxim at Brighton Other Language Arts: Analytical Grammar Pt 1 (first ten weeks), then Vocabulary from Classical Roots A Beacon Teaches Typing a Favorite Quotes/Poems/Verses journal and possibly Spelling City work when needed
Foreign Language: Rosetta Stone Spanish
History, Literature, and Geography: Foster Books History Plan (This includes George Washington’s World, 1801:The Year of the Horseless Carriage, and Abraham Lincoln’s World read aloud, with added biography and historical fiction, a timeline, notebooking, and mapping work) Logic: Critical Thinking book 1 and possibly Memory Challenge Join a debate club and take choir at Brighton or somewhere? The plan is to do CYT in the fall again, and choose a sport. She is hemming and hawing about that one right now, but we'll work it out.
Zoe's 6th grade
All the same as above, except:
Math: Math Mammoth 6
Grammar: Easy Grammar 6
No logic or vocab from roots work, science most likely Noeo at home, and she will take the first level Classical Compositions class at Brighton (Fable/narration).
Luci's 5th grade
All the same as above except:
Math: Math Mammoth 4
Grammar: Easy Grammar 5
No logic or vocab from roots work, science will most likely be Noeo at home, and writing work will still consist of narrations, both oral and written, at home. She may take a Brighton class just because she wants to, but I don't know what it will be yet.
Okay, now I'm going to post our book lists for history/literature from this year. This is what we ACTUALLY read, up to the point where I say we are right now. Then the rest is what I have planned for the rest of winter/spring and summer. In addition to this, the girls were required to be reading a book of their choice at all times.
Native Americans Plan
Book of the American Indians (ALOUD)
Incans Aztecs Mayans by John Holzmann (ALOUD)
The Well of Sacrifice (ALOUD)
Frozen Girl by David Getz (ALOUD)
nbsp; Journey to Cahokia by Albert Lorenz
Rain Player by David Wisniewski
You wouldn’t want to be a Mayan Soothsayer by Rupert Matthews
Pyramid of the Sun, Pyramid of the Moon by Angela Fisher
You wouldn’t want to be…an Aztec Sacrifice by Fiona MacDonald nbsp;
Macchu Picchu by Elizabeth Mann
You Wouldn’t want to be…An Inca Mummy by Colin Hynson
Movie: America before Columbus
World and Early U.S. History Plan
The World of Columbus and Sons by Genevieve Foster (ALOUD)
Stories from Dante by Mary Macgregor (ALOUD)
Columbus by D’aulaire
Apprentice by Pilar Molina Llorente
Cathedral by David Macaulay
Filippo’s Dome by Anne Rockwell
Leonardo by Diane Stanley
Michaelangelo by Diane Stanley
16th Century Mosque by Fiona MacDonald
Ship by David Macaulay
*This is where we are right now*
Martin Luther by May Macneer
The World of Captain John Smith(ALOUD)
Adventures of Akbar (ALOUD)
Brilliant Brits: Henry VIII by Richard Brassey
Good Queen Bess by Diane Stanley
Bard of Avon by Diane Stanley
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare by Edith Nesbitt (though Maria may begin an actual Shakespeare play?)
Pocahontas by D’aulaire
Squanto, Friend of the Pilgrims by Clyde Bulla
Summer 2013:
World of William Penn (ALOUD)
Amos Fortune Free Man (ALOUD)
The Witch of Blackbird Pond (Maria only)
Evangeline and the Acadians by Robert Tallant
Anne Hutchinson’s Way by Jenine Atkins
Witchcraft of Salem Village by Shirley Jackson
Peter the Great by Diane Stanley