This is show week for Beauty and the Beast. We got through the torture that is tech rehearsal and two dress rehearsals (five hours each). Then it snowed today. That sounds so innocuous. It SNOWED today. A blizzard. Thunder snow. 18 inches at the end of the driveway at 2pm and it was still snowing. Not a plow to be seen. I think they just didn't bother with side streets today. My dad went to work before the worst of it and came home early afternoon and couldn't get onto our street so he left his truck and walked the rest of the way home. And the shows for today were canceled. Probably tomorrow morning's show will be too as it is supposed to keep snowing tonight. Luci is SO disappointed. The other girls have never done this before and don't really know. They don't know about the thrill of an audience. The adrenaline. The excitement and drama. The funny and sad mishaps that everyone remembers and the brilliant moments no will forget. The cheers and ovations. They don't know. Luci has the bug big time and she knows what she is missing. "Only five shows left mom!" she wailed at me. Three down the drain. Let's just make the other five count. They worked so hard for this! And so did their parents!
I love that theater kid. I did not know to wish for a kid who wanted to do theater, so I did not wish it. I'm glad I got one because I love it as much as she does.
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