Apr 18, 2012 16:15
Christ is Risen!
It was a lovely peaceful Pascha. We are in recovery mode now, as the girls spent two days with their dad immediately after the Pascha insanity and did not sleep much. Today has been a slow day with some sore throats and headaches and whining. But really, not a bad day considering the intensity of the last week for them.
We are gearing up for Luci's show, Charlotte's Web, in a few weeks. It is crazy how much work goes into a production of this level. I am on the make up committee, the major pro of which is that there is very little work to be done ahead of time. The major con is that show week is going to be brutal. I seem to live a cycle of peace...peace...peace to the point of boredom...RUN LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT...peace again...peace. I'm beginning to suspect it may lead to serious heart issues. Adrenaline and anxiety are my constant companions.
Zoe "made" the level five gymnastics team, so her schedule has changed somewhat. It is working out for the most part. Another hour or so of practice a week is all it added, but she seems much happier with this level of training and the seriousness of the other gymnasts on the team. It is fun, but these girls are there to be gymnasts and don't goof around nearly as much which was a major issue for Zoe. She was constantly telling me how her gym time was being wasted by girls who just didn't take it seriously enough! I still don't know whether to laugh or cry at this attitude. As I told a friend the other day, I feel swept along helplessly by Zoe's ambition.