Apr 19, 2012 15:53
I think we may actually have to start using the library. Luci finished the Bad Kitty book I put in her Easter basket in two days. Zoe finished the American Girl Makenna book that was in her Easter basket today and finished A Wrinkle in Time last night. I'm not complaining about it, just saying the library is looming. And I can't ever remember to return books on time so I'm actually really afraid of the the library.
Some "bad things" are happening right now in my life that are making it pretty hard to concentrate on the good. But I'm doing my best. Tonight is a relatively quiet night for us. Luci has TKD at 5:45 and then we are going to my niece's choir concert. Only two activities on a weeknight is pretty amazing actually. Wanna hear what happens tomorrow night? You don't actually. But I'll tell you anyway. Zoe is dropped at gym at 4pm, Luci at Charlotte's Web rehearsal at 5:30, Maria at soccer academy at 6:40. Zoe has to be picked up from gym at 7pm, Maria from academy at 7:40 and Luci from rehearsal at 9pm. Somewhere in all that they have to eat. I still haven't figured that out. Basically everyone just eats at different times. And since none of this is less than a 15-20 minute drive from our house, and gas prices being what they are, I don't tend to go home. I find a cozy spot at a park or a Target (hehe) and wait it all out. Read a book or watch stuff on my phone. Try not to run the car too much. Wanna hear Saturday's schedule? Zoe at gym from 9am-noon, costume parade for Charlotte's Web, which I, as a make up person, have to be at for the entire time, 9am-1pm. Luci has to be at the parade to have her costume and make up checked at 11am. I have to dress her and DO her makeup somewhere in there. Then Luci has rehearsal from 1pm-3:30pm. How does one do all this stuff and work full time too? I can't figure it out. I really can't.
So, now I'm going to go make some dinner (broiled salmon and broccoli and salad, yay paleo!) so my kids can eat before the fun begins this evening.