Apr 12, 2012 16:38
Summer enrollment has begun. Maria is signed up for a pre-tryout soccer camp for a competitive team and Luci is signed up for dance classes. We need a back up plan for Maria if she doesn't make the team, but she will also be going to a week long, overnight church camp at the end of July, so it isn't like she will do NOTHING all summer. I'd like to have her in a regularly scheduled activity though, preferably an active one. We have to wait and see what team Zoe ends up on for gymnastics so I can put her practices on the schedule. I'm sure they will go to the lake with their dad a couple of times. We will continue school as we always do. Summer doesn't actually mean a whole lot around here, when I stop and think about it. It is just another season. A hotter one. We will go swimming a lot instead of jumping on the trampoline or running in the yard in the heat. Nothing much disturbs the regular rhythm of our lives. It is funny how little our rhythm was disturbed by the upheaval nine months ago. We moved and took a month or so off, but then resumed life in a new place, much as it had been before.
Peace though. There is a lot of peace here. The last six months have been calm. We are gentle with each other, all of us now knowing how fragile we are. Even adding a small person to our days doesn't seem to have changed much. I do not really know what that means. Are we stubbornly set in our ways or is our way of life just that flexible? We always have a schedule, but it is a fluid one...tasks to be done and goals set, but few with deadlines or time restraints. So move and shuffle like game pieces, puzzle pieces, finding their niche and perfect fit. Is this not how life should be? And so rarely is for so many people. I am grateful that for this time I have this life. It will change someday, I'm sure of it. Change drastically and dramatically and possibly painfully. But the strength we are growing in the quiet time of shuffling our pieces on the board and smiling at each other will stand us in good stead when the earthquake comes and the pieces go flying. We will still all be together around the table, smiling at each other, I pray.