This was requested by
unfamiliargirl from my
tutorial request post. I've done two others,
the first and
the second. Feel free to visit the post to request another.
From this:
This icon was made in PS CS2. If you can translate it to something else more power to you. I also tried to find where I got the image I used in this icon. I know someone asked me about it earlier in the week and I said I got it from some fansite. But I've gone back and checked so I could credit the source and I have no idea where I found this image. I'm thinking I must have picked it up from someone's picspam somewhere along the way on LJ.
I probably included some steps that other people could avoid and make the icon just as well, but whatever.
1) Crop, copy/paste your picture to a new image. Go wherever your soul takes you.
2) Duplicate the base, set to screen. I set my duplicate to 60% opacity, 78% fill because of the lightness of the image. This will vary from icon to icon, if at all. Sharpen.
3) Between the base and screened duplicate I added an exclusion layer, #040e16, 100%.
4) Curves layer on top of the screen layer. I more than likely hit "auto" and then fiddled with the numbers if I didn't like the way it turned out.
5) Gradient map set to soft light, #a78f79 to #684d35.
6) Colour balance layer. I upped the blues a little on every tone balance, upped the reds and greens a little in shadows, lowered the cyan and magenta in midtones just a LITTLE in highlights.
7) Selective colour layer. In the reds I upped the yellow quite a bit, in yellows I upped the reds, magentas and blues. I left the greens and magentas alone but upped the blues and cyans in the well, blues and cyans. I also fiddled with the whites and neutrals a little.
8) Duplicate the base and drag it to the top. Set it on soft light, 100%. Sharpen if necessary.
9) Flood fill a new layer with black, set to colour on 100%.
10) Brightness/contrast layer. I set the brightness to +12, the contrast to +16. This will vary from icon to icon. It also eliminated the shadows from the other side of the magazine page from the scan.
11) Added a texture by
sanami276. Set to multiply, 100%.
12) Duplicated the texture, multiply 100%, erased the bit over Jensen so he wouldn't be so dark.
13) Under both of the texture layers I added a new layer and used a brush set on multiply, #9e0b0e, 100%. I erased the bit over Jensen's head and called it done. This is the brush I used:
Unfortunately, while I have tried to go back and link to specific things when I add people to my
resource post when I upload them to my PS it's not always indicated who made them. So I credited the person in my resource post, but I can't remember who made this specific brush. :|
Anyway, the resulting icon: