Jan 19, 2019 20:21
Man, I've been posting here a bunch lately...
I just wanted to drop by to say that I actually found a podcast delivery site that has the first season of EOS 10 for free and, while I haven't finished the season, I can already firmly state that it's the strongest of the three that I've listened to. It's a damn shame that it's been paywalled almost everywhere else (and that's a new word for my vocabulary). In fact, I would even maybe go as far as to say that EOS 10 has been redeemed?
But, harkening back to my days of not giving a shit about watching/listening/reading things in the order they were meant to be consumed in, I'm actually sort of glad that I listened to EOS 10 out of order because it makes Urvidian's merciless and sarcastic coming-on to Ryan just that much more uncomfortably funny once you know that they are actually father and son. In fact, that one piece of knowledge makes the entire first season just that much stronger. Back when I was watching Scrubs (completely out of order, though that was mostly due to me being at the mercy of whatever episodes were aired on TV), the first episode I saw (I think the one where Janitor and Cox move sleeping JD into the parking lot, bed and all? And it had JD asking Cox what he thought about his movie script and Cox said he didn't actually hate it) I actually thought that Cox was JD's father and that JD had never really met him until he'd grown up and started working with him and I always felt that that would have made for an excellent plot. And now, 10 years later, this plot fantasy has come to fruition.
Also, I wrote yesterday's post lambasting EOS 10 before finishing the series and I have to say, I'm actually tempted to listen to season 4 maybe even to the point of actually paying to listen to it? because, not gonna lie, the relationship Ryan has with Maddox really intrigues me (it's a bit over-the-top sweet, but, let's just call this a guilty pleasure). And, given the cliff-hanger episode 1 of season 4 left on, I'm betting we're gonna get some relationship angst! So yeah...I'm gonna be hard-pressed to NOT seek out more...damn it.
But, to the real reason I started this entry. I am going to a convention in early Feb. My co-Chief is going, too. We had initially made arrangements to travel together, but the now, the thought of doing so causes me actual physical pain. It's about a 6 hour drive from where I live, and I can probably leave here early enough that it would be feasible to drive. And heck, given where I am right now, I think a long solo road trip would be really cathartic and therapeutic for me. It actually hit me when I was making plans (including booking a hotel so I would have to stay with a graduate of the program who is nice, but I never really got to know very well) that this is exactly what I need.
Today, my co-Chief called me to ask if there were any issues with her patients. After doing that thing where she doesn't really listen to what I say when I started to speak more generally about the day (including a rant about one of the most insufferable and dangerously cocky interns not making it clear to a patient that she was to stop one of the serotonergic meds because he was starting another one and she ended up taking both because the printed out instructions he gave to her were absolutely worthless), she brought up the convention and said that we should book our flight together. I told her, without thinking, that I was probably going to drive, and then she immediately said that she would love to drive with me.
I was actually stunned silent for a second because 1. how could I have NOT seen that coming? and 2. it's kind of rude to invite oneself along like that? and 3. I had not even THOUGHT about the potential of driving with her. She had to go, so we decided to talk about it more later. But I couldn't help but just laugh at how stupid I was to do that. At this point, I have two options. Neither of those options are being in a car with her for a 12-hour round-trip car journey. I can either just fly or tell her that I want to proceed with my trip solo. I don't know which one to do.
real life,
eos 10,
chief year,