Oct 18, 2012 18:45
We had the renal module exam yesterday. I actually studied for this one. Well, I mean, I spent more time studying than usual. It helped that after being a student for almost two decades, I only recently discovered that I can't study like normal people (of course) who pace themselves and take a break every hour. This is how they told us to study during the first week of first year and that's the way I've been trying to do it. What happens is that I usually study for about an hour, take a break, then get distracted by my break activities and never get back to studying. Instead, I've discovered that I have great studying stamina and I can study for a 4 hour stretch without needing a break. Once I stop, however, I'm usually done for the day.
I'm also currently nursing a light headache I've had all day. I had a cup of coffee yesterday morning (the first I've had since the day of the heme module exam), so this is probably a caffeine-withdrawal headache? This sucks because I absolutely love the taste of coffee, so it'd be nice to be able to enjoy it once in awhile. Alas...
So, while I studied more than usual, there were things that I refused to study. And I ended up getting B's in both ICS and path (and, again, I did better in path than ICS). Hearing people talk today, however, I think this was the trend. ICS was ridiculously stupid and the things they emphasized in lecture were not the things they stressed on the test.
But, whatever. I consigned myself to not doing well on this test with the knowledge that I'll have to do better in these upcoming exams.
I planned on getting off to a good start with this new cardio module by going to the 8am class. But then I discovered that class was from 8-10 and then there was 3 hours until the next class. So I went running instead (and broke my lame record by actually running 2 miles. Not much of an accomplishment, but I'm proud, nonetheless).
After the exam, we had PowderPuff practice. Our center couldn't make it, so I was assigned that position, which was really embarrassing because I didn't pick up on the multi-tasking aspect of pitching ("hiking?") the ball and blocking and I had some bad "hikes" but...I didn't suck too badly. However, I could tell that our practice wasn't going well for the offensive line because our quarterback was getting more and more frustrated (though she did an admirable job hiding it and no one got screamed at). After practice, our "coach" told me that he's moving me to tackle because, "as you can see, when you're not on the outside of the line, our offense falls apart". I also noticed that, when I was at center, the main defender (who's pretty fierce in her own right though not by rugby standards) moved to the side after she'd run into my shoulder a couple of times. There were plays where there was literally no one for me to block because the defenders would rather go around the line. It was quite the ego stroke.
I went rollerblading after that and, when I got home, discovered that I'd missed a call from my wards doctor. I had established a date with his secretary for wards and since I didn't hear back from her I assumed that the date had never been set (which was stupid and I should have called to confirm myself, but I've been the most proactive person in this situation and, to be honest, I really didn't wanna spend my post-exam afternoon doing doctor stuff). I felt terrible because it was probably an inconvenience to him. I'm supposed to go on wards tomorrow now (breaking my promise that I'm going to go to each class again because I had already put him at an inconvenience so the least I could do was skip class to fit into his schedule), instead, and I'm a bit nervous. I have absolutely no idea what to expect.
But, no matter what happens, as soon as I'm done, I'll be in my car and heading home for the weekend.
real life,
med school,