Thanksgiving and Other Stuff

Nov 17, 2006 16:22

I just finished a full five days of being at school - I haven't done that since August, I think. With all the various conferences, fair and doctors appointments back in September and October, my kids kinda forgot that I really was the teacher. It was nice to be back in my classroom to teach something. My freshmen classes finished their Parliamentary Procedure unit this week with a written test yesterday and an oral debate test today. My Bio kids got the last lecture for their unit today, test on Tuesday...and even my advanced kids actually DID their assignments and we had some great discussion today on agricultural issues. Maybe my presence in the classroom actually does make a difference?

On a related note, my Assistant Principal came in to evaluate me on November 1st. I don't think he's ever seen me teach, but he stayed the whole class period during a lecture on Parli Pro motions. We're supposed to have a "post-observation conference," but he hadn't mentioned anything about I finally remembered to ask him today when I saw him. He said, "You did that enough?" He then went on to comment that I did "really good" and that I should speak at seminars and I joked and said, "But then you'd lose me Dan!" He laughed and told me I was not to leave. It feels good to have a good review, even if you know you do a good job. So, I can check off adminstrative review for another two years now :). is catching up now! I had a FUN weekend all last weekend going out with various friends and spending time with people I enjoy. I taught all week, we kicked ASS at a contest we went to on Tuesday night (1st place in the top division and 8 star individuals!), I entered progress reports today, units are finishing up for Thanksgiving. I take 9 kids to a meeting in Lemoore all day Saturday (tomorrow), but I'm planning on spending the rest of my weekend alone...catching up on laundry, minor lesson planning, etc. Monday night's our annual FFA Degree potluck, Tuesday's easy, Wednesday's an early day...and then 4 days off! I have no plans for Thanksgiving this year, and I'm actually really excited about that. Friends will be with their families, so I get four days of peace and total zoning out from the world. I think that's what I need right now :). little sister had a baby today! Welcome nephew #2, Eyan, into the world! Congrats sis - I know you had a tough few days of labor!

AND...hello to Jason :). What a nerd!
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