Keeping my fingers on the faint, thready pulse of the Buffyverse

Jul 02, 2016 23:26

I'm sorry, this ranking of all the seasons of Buffy and Angel combined is just hot nonsense. I mean, is S1 of Angel really the third best season in the entire Buffyverse? I THINK NOT. I'm not sure I could even make an argument for it being the third best season of Angel (though I would agree that it is better than the third season of Angel). And S4 of Buffy coming in at number ELEVEN? Out of twelve? Come on. No one is more likely to enjoy a good Riley rant than I am, but The Initiative through Hush is one of the most successful run of episodes in the series, This Year's Girl/Who Are You? is a near-perfect two-parter, and Restless is a treasure. Plus Harsh Light of Day, Fear Itself, A New Man, and YES, Beer Bad. I can't comprehend hating on S4, it is just too much fun. (I'm not even going to bother complaining about S3 coming in at #1. I just assume when I click on these things that S3 will always be #1.)

Also, S4 of Angel is a huge mess, but I have always found it much, much more entertaining than S3, which is the only season of either show that I bailed out of rewatching due to boredom. For the record, my Angel season rankings: 2, 5, 4, 1, 3. I can't really rank Buffy, but all seasons of Buffy are better than any season of Angel (#controversial statement).

While I'm complaining about silly lists, this one of the five best TV episodes written by Joss Whedon is also ridiculous. First of all, Objects in Space is the best hour of Firefly that he wrote, no question. And Graduation Day over Restless/Hush/The Body/OMWF? Nah. Even if the idea was to choose a more traditional BTVS episode, the better choices would be either Becoming 2 or Innocence, which both perfect the humor/surprising reversals/heart-stomping emotions formula.

Opinions! I still have them!

buffy, angel

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