(no subject)

Jul 24, 2004 00:38

Ahh how beautiful...Night, and drizzling. Calm in my heart, no shaking, no torment, just breathing. Relax....Feel the Breath as you inhale and exhale slowly. Its so wonderful.
Ok...now back to normal (eh..sorta normal) one sided conversations.
Our tennis game on Wed. was so much fun. It was raining all over us, and the sky was putting on one beautiful show in the form of lighting all around us. (By the way, tennis in the rain is sooo dangerous, slick courts could mean a broken neck, not to mention an electrical storm brewing right where tennis lights are looming above you just begging to be struck.)Afterwards, we sat by the lake, drinking our (bleh) diet cokes, and watching the ducks fish. It was fun to talk and just take in all the beauty of the night.
Thursday we went to Dedos, which is becoming a ritual for us, although i dont mind, its lots of fun. We managed to get Aaron to come with us even, which was nice considereing everyone else we invited ditched us. Both me and Denisse just prayed that Corrine didnt walk in. That would have been horrible.
Aaron looks so forlorn now. I really wish i could say that its not because of her, but i know deep down how much he geniunely loved her. And while i am not angry at her for breaking up with him, i am upset that she lied to him. It was nice seeing Aaron agian, and i sincerely hope that he had fun, despite the sadness in his eyes.
My mind keeps wandering, its really difficult for me to think this late at night. Maybe i should just update during dusk or something. hmmmm......there it goes again. Preoccupied with the looming school year, Money for tuition purposes, Brian, my parents, work, everything that makes up a day for me......
Ok well i guess that is enough of staring at the cursor for now, Im tired, fatigued (not being able to breathe for 3 days straight will do that to you), welcoming dreams.
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