...And stuff

Sep 18, 2004 14:32

Holy crap, I owe the Residential Housing office $25.00 for my phone bill. It's been less than a month since I've had that phone! I didn't even know I talked so much. I feel sorry now for Grandma having to pay for all the talking I've done... Actually, it's only for the calls I make, not for the people who call ME. So, because I'm poor, CALL ME SO I WON'T GET CHARGED!!! T___T *sniffle* Stupid phone, you shall be the death of me.

I work today from 3-8:30 pm, so that means I have to go soon. I'm in a computer lab on campus, but I still shouldn't linger too long. *groans* And I have to walk home tonight by myself and stupidly, I've been reading a book about murders who were never caught. AND it's overcast, so the only light will be from the lampposts. I don't wanna die... *wimper*
But if Crystal can (stupidly) walk from her house to Monument Boulevard...on her own...for three hours...AT NIGHT...then I think I can manage the less-than ten minute walk from there to the dorms. It's not like it's New York or anything.
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