
Sep 24, 2004 19:36

Livejournal did a make over!?! *confused and scared*

But anyways, yeah I'm back home for the weekend of my birthday and here's the sucky thing: I basically only have Saturday to do anything worthwhile. I came here on the 12:10 train and went to dinner with my mom and grandma, and tomorrow my dad is coming to visit. Now, that's great and all, but Alisha and Oscar wanted to do something and Alisha works at 5 and Oscar doesn't drive, so that plan is pretty much out. And Erin, Melody and Crystal are either working or it's a bad time or whatever. And Dwayne and GAnthony probably would want to see me, but I don't know if MY Anthony will want to do anything TOMORROW night and arrrgh! Too many people. Sunday is basically just "go back" day because I need to go back in time for the busses to still be running and shite, so that means going up in the early afternoon. I'm going to see if Anthony will just drive me to the Amtrak station on Sunday and that will count as "seeing me" for my birthday.
I swear, even though I'll be eighteen I wonder if it's worth it. I want to see everyone and I know almost everyone wants to see me, but plans are hard to make when people work/don't have transportation. Once we have longer vacations like Spring Break and Winter break then the hanging out will be MUCH easier. Until then, I'm sorry this weekend isn't working out at all like I want it to.
A funny thing is that on my floor of the dorm there are girls named Demera and Sarah whose birthdays are the 24th and 25th! Next weekend we're all going to go to a club to celebrate. ^_^ Hanalei and Thersea and the OTHER already eighteen year olds went weekend before last, and Hanalei knows the guy who basically owns the club so she can get us on the guest list. Awesome-ness.

My eye hurts. Stupid contact lenses!
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