I missed
Worship At the Feet of Your Beta day!
barriequark aka
friendlyquark has been a wonderful beta and (more importantly) a constant friend. I pray blessings over you, doll-face. Keep writing and move closer so that we can cackle and scare men and hug your co-familly for me.
thegreylady, I think of you often, miss you lots, wonder how Weasel is, and hope you're doing well. Drop me a note sometime?
tifsuz and
devsgma, I miss you! And I missed you ~ Y'all called while I was sleeping busy with incredibly important work. Maybe we can meet up over New Year's? *tries to look hopeful, winsome and irresitable at the same time without cramping facial muscles*
islandsmoke -- Working with you pushed me to try harder on my stuff. So it's YOUR fault that I'm so trying. ;D
Continuing in the vein of appreciation (since appreciation should never be confined to a day on the calendar), I would like to formally thank the following for being inspirations, friends, objects of worship and/or folk who've just set the writing bar way too high:
shiv_5468 -- Talent, brains, talent, wit, brains, jewelry, talent, AND a shoe wardrobe to cry over; I'm still bemoaning the fact that I didn't ply you with more vodka & Coke. You had me at "Call me Shiv". Consider yourself lucky that I didn't kill you for being both more talented AND younger than me. *glares (but in a totally non-creepy way)*
butter_cup -- Quit hogging the skill, 'k? Especially since you have more kids to distract you love than I have. You will always be my favorite daughter-in-law at
junediamanti -- I love that you invest yourself heart and soul into what you write. I may not always agree with you, but you have some incredibly important characteristics I hope to learn to emulate: fearlessness in talking about what you think/believe/like, and an amazing gift for writing. So, um, send some of that talent my way. Please?
wendynat -- How do I thank someone who's never taken out a restraining order made fun of a shameless fan who's repeatedly quoted the author's own work back to her? From random applications of Every step seems but a small one to clear abuses of the Call and Ad Sanguinis Vocatum Responde in YIM, I've been honored and thrilled to have been able to talk and play with you. And you were my son... *sniffles, then hugs Binky*
rillathegrape -- What to say? I got to know you via "In the House of Fallen Angels" and have loved every YIM conversation we've had. I'm still counting on you making it to St. Louis ~ I've got the girls trained in the 30-second clean-up routine (just don't open any closets or dresser drawers!) just in case you decide to call from the corner.
sailorpluto -- So, um, I'm still waiting to hear about the resolution of the "hole the size of an M&M" story. I know it's not what I'm thinking, but after giving birth to 3 kids, a hole smaller than the Grand Canyon sounds pretty darned attractive.
Now for some that I haven't been able to track on LJ or who have disappeared therefrom --
Quillusion -- "Soul Searching" was one of my earliest fanfic readings and remains one of my favorites. The detail, multiple story arcs, and natural evolution of relationships continues to amaze and intimidate me.
Fleable -- Where ARE you?!?? I take a vacation and return to find that you've vanished... *sniffle* If you've simply weeded your flist by creating a new persona, that's cool; just do let this descendent of Jewish grandmothers know that you're all right and are not lying in a ditch somewhere where you're being eaten by llamas.
There are so many more whose stories have touched me ~ it's impossible to thank everyone. I haven't left nearly as many reviews as I should have, but if you're reading this, consider yourself hugged and appreciated.