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Oct 22, 2007 10:53

back from florida.  it was very hot in orlando and the caribe royale was an odd, campus-like hotel.  i stayed in "tower 1", which was a 10 story building, one of which that surrounded a large, exotic pool.  these sorts of conventions kind of suck....it's like a home and gardens show for professors.  instead of gutters and siding, they pop into booths to look at new textbooks, or talk to people from the Wall Street Journal or CFA Institute.  it was mostly uneventful except for the one professor who spent a good ten minutes telling me and our marketing manager that one of our books was both racist and sexist.  good job, jessica fletcher.  you figured us out.  people have too much time on their hands.  some others swiped books from the booth.  shit like that never ceases to amaze me.

matt gave me his old xbox since he picked up a 360.  maybe i'll buy a different RF converter....one that caters to multiple inputs and hook it up in the bedroom.  now i have to think of some good games to purchase.  suggestions are appreciated.

josh rouse is playing at the southgate house tomorrow and i can't make up my mind about going.

i don't think i'm going to spend any more time on beach house ---i don't really like the end product that much.  now i'm going to focus on novels again.  i've been reading this book on playwriting and there are some plotting techniques that might be useful.  i'll give it a try.

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