Nov 08, 2006 20:32
Well, I can't lie to you it's been a while since I last wrote a blog. I guess sitting at home sick, bored and listening to Dashboard really puts you in the mood to sum up the year. I guess at christmas I'll do the same but for goes.
Could I tell you this has been a good year for me?
It's been the best year for me! fact...often I sit and burst into tears at another realisation that I have by miracle been saved from an eternity in the depths of hell by the most wonderful, beautiful, amazing saviour. And as I sit there I think "How did this happen?" And I remember all that has happened this past year. Lets try and sum it up:
January to early feb was full of the usual drink, drugs, hopelessness and depression. Then yet another friday night roled in about a week after my mum's birthday. I go out. Drink. Try to inject but cant get the right spot so give up and stick to the booze. We stumble aimlessly from the monument to the river and as we dance and sing and shout and gulp down beer and cider and make out with everyone we see, this world is our own. The drunken world is the only place we can be happy. Where our problems fall out of the back of our minds like the stupid words rolling off our tongues. Mindless, pointless and once again hopeless.
It's been a while since I've been out with the big crew and suddenly out of nowhere there are these seemingly new-comers. Although they appear to know most of the kids. I talk to them, get excited because they're american and of course one Jordi girl with them. We talk a lot...well...I talk a lot...they just listen. I give them my number and don't see them until a couple of weeks later. We go to starbucks and they somehow pursuade me to go to church the next day. So I go, start hanging out with them often and on Sunday March 26th the Lord breaks me and I throw myself at His feet.
They teach me so much ad they tell me I'm growing so quickly.
Then one weekend I spend at the college and then...gone...they're gone.
It's the summer and I find myself missing them but not alone. Jessy Lindsay. She helps me out. We hang out and get to be close fact...sisters. And I find myself with another awesome friend.
A missions trip with a New Jersey youth group. Amazing. But only last a short time. I get some quality time with the Lord and with christians my own age.
The semester starts up. God continues to bless me with the most awesome people. I'd mention names but if I mentioned one or two I would have to mention them all and it would take too long. The little sadness that I just can't shake off is that I begged the Lord. I told Him He could take anyone rom my life but not Jessy. Her boyfriend and good friends came to York this semester. I never see her anymore.
Luckily He gives me Becky. We teach each other things. We go through a fair bit together and I find her to be someone who is always there for me when I need her and even when I don't. She is so precious. She's one of the very few from last semester who reminds me what and where I came from and how I got to be where I am now. Preparing for bible college next september. Excited that she might be in the same country. Her and Jessy got me to join the youth group too.
Now I'm missing all the last semester students. Wishing I could keep in touch with every single one of them and never forget any of them. I don't think I'll ever forget them. They were the beginning and no matter how many semesters of students I go through they'll always be the most special and significant. They left but when they did, every one of them left something behind in me. A memory or a lesson. Something special.
If I were to try now to list every single thing I have learned from anyone in my Christian walk it wouldn't fit on the page. And God continues to bless me, teach me and guide me through my life in the best ways. I've been told so many times that God has something amazing in store for my life and if that is the case then I cannot wait to find out what it is. And even more than that I can't wait to see what God has for all my sisters and brothers in the Lord.
So if you are reading this and thinking "yeah I'm one of those people" then PLEASE don't lose contact with me and tell me what is happening in your lives. I love you all so so much and I know the Lord has so much for all of us!
God Bless you guys
Milz xxxx