May 16, 2010 21:48


Main Pairing: RyoDa
Side Pairing: OhkUeda??, AkaKame, TaNaka, YamaPi x ??
Disclaimer: I’ve own Jin Akanishi since he was in his mommy womb. We have been married since like forever. Whatever...!! This fic just for fun, don’t sue me as I have no job, no money and totally live in poverty. Hahaha..
A/N: VERY IMPORTANT!!!! This is a collaboration with hisa_lurve88 fic with the title of Spoiled Brat VS Idiotic Jerk!
Summary: Now that they lost the bet, Tatsuya and Kazuya have to face their penalty. Trying hard to sneak out from the trio of Ryo, Jin and YamaPi but they just do not have any luck. Reluctantly both of the brothers succumb to their new Masters.

[ PROLOGUE] [ CHAPTER 1] [ Chapter 2] [ CHAPTER 3]


“TAT-CHAN!!!! I need your help! I need you to send me to Jin’s place NOW! At this very moment!”


“No time to explain,nii-chan. I’ll tell you on our way there. Now, hurry up! We need to stop by the pharmacy first.”

With that, Kazuya drags Tatsuya from their house. As soon as they get into the car, Kazuya starts to explain the incidents at Pin’s house.

“That Akanishi got hungry and asked me to cook. I’m trying to fry eggs when the fire suddenly caught the pan and got worse when I poured water. Thank God there was fire extinguisher nearby and I succeeded. But then, Akanishi-kun come into the kitchen and making fuss about me messing his kitchen. Nii-chan, I..I… I’ve dropped knife and ketchup bottle and… and… all the blood, his foot, glasses… everything….,” Animatedly and full of expression Kazuya recited the incidents, “OMG, Nii-chan.. What did I’ve done? What if he lost his blood and die? What if he cripple? Am I going to jail?” he keeps on babbling while clinging to his brother while Tatsuya trying to drive the car while soothing his brother who starts to sob.

“He will be OK, Kazu. Don’t worry. Now, let’s get him some medicine, ne?” Tatsuya was coaxing his brother as he pulls over in front of a 24hours pharmacy.

Half an hour later..

“Jin? Jin? Open up. It’s me, Kazuya. Hello???? Anyone’s there?? Pi??”

OMG! Is he dead? No way! Maybe he passes out? Where’s the heck is Pi?

“Kazu, slow down your voice a bit. The neighbors going to scolded us for this.”

“What if he’s dead,Tat-chan?? Oh,God! I’m so clumsy! It’s all my fault! Am I going to jail for this? But it’s not like I kill him intentionally, right?”

“Kazu,nobody die because of a small cut. Cut the crap out!”

Tatsuya starting to have headache as Kazuya cannot stop his rants. He is about to stop Kazuya from banging the door again as the door open from the inside. YamaPi’s astounding face greets them.

“Hey, angel! Sorry, I was in the toilet before.” YamaPi greets Kazuya sweetly, “Wassup Ryo’s slave?” and greets Tatsuya loathly.

‘What’s with this guy? He greets Kazu so nicely but he greets me like I just kill his mom. And why is he glaring at me??’ Tatsuya crinkle his nose disbelieve.

‘Damn you! Why did you have to follow my angel everywhere??? And how dare you MY KAME-CHAN!’ YamaPi feels like punching the pretty face in front of him as he recalled Ryo’s story on KameDa sex activities nights before.

Both of them trying hard to kill each other with their sharp glares without realizing that Kazuya has already disappear into Jin’s bedroom.

In Jin’s bedroom..

Jin just put down his hair dryer and lying down pretending to be sick as Kazuya bursts into his bedroom. He almost have heart attack from sudden intrusion.

“Don’t you know how to knock?”

“Jin? Are you okay? OMG!!! You’re burning!!!” Jin dumbstruck as a soft hand landed on his forehead. But he recovers soon as he remembers his plan.

‘Of course it’s burning, flat chest! I just use the hair dryer on my forehead. Hehehe….’ Jin’s mind already doing some weird kind of tap dance as Kazuya falls into his lies.

“I bought some medicine for you. Erm…here’s for fever.. This one is for the cut. This..This’s for…I don’t know what’s this for…This one is for toothache… Here’s for headache… and this one is for..erm… diarrhea??? Eh…?? Pre..pregnancy?? I took it accidentally… I was in a hurry to get here so I just grab whatever’s on the shelf of the pharmacy.. So..maybe you just need this fever medicine. I’ll get some water for you.” Without waiting any longer, Kazuya disappears behind the door.

While outside the room, Tatsuya helps himself into the living room without waiting for YamaPi to invites him. He could care less about the weirdo as his legs too tired from Ryo’s slavery work to stand any longer. Tatsuya who has been uninterested in catering with Pi’s stupidity and jealousy, choose to ignored him. Not so long after that, Tatsuya received an incoming call from unknown number. He answers the call cautiously as it might from his so-not-favor master again.


“Moshi-moshi… Tatsuya??”

“Haiii.. Tatsuya desu. May I know who are you??”

“Tacchon desu..  Am I disturbing you?”

“Ehh… No.. Its OK. How do you get my number??” startled, he asked

“From You. You gave your number to him right?? Sorry for not having your permission before asking your number..” the is a trace of guilty in Tadayoshi voice.

“Iie.. It’s Ok. I’m happy though, that you call me.” Tatsuya said sweetly.


“Yes. Definitely..”

YamaPi stares at the person in front of him who has been ignoring him since the past 10 minutes and sweet-talk through the phone with someone.

‘What did Angel see in you? I think I’m much more handsome and manly than this guy!’

While Tatsuya was talking on the phone, he didn’t realize that a certain person was eyeing him. His voice becomes more and more seductive as he talks.

YamaPi eavesdrop the conversation between Tatsuya and unknown caller who seems caught Tatsuya attention. Smiles never leaves Tatsuya face since he received the call and their conversation become more intimates. ‘EHHH??? Did he cheat on Kame-chan? How dare you try to hurt my Angel! I’ll save you,Angel! I’ll save you from this DEVIL!! I’ll never going to break your heart like this guy over here! OMG! What should I do now???!’ YamaPi thought as he realized the conversation is not a friendly conversation anymore, counting the amount of flirtation in Tatsuya sweet voice and the smiles on his pretty face.

As YamaPi’s mind wondering for a solution to save his ANGLE, Kazuya comes out from Jin’s bedroom and storms into the kitchen. Tatsuya is watching his brother’s behavior without blinking his eyes while he still on the phone with Tadayoshi. Tatsuya feels weird seeing how concerned his brother is right now. Kazuya, the spoiled brat will never think about others and never feels guilty even if he does something wrong. Especially when it concerned his enemy.

‘Something fishy here.’ Tatsuya thought.

When Kazuya is pouring the water into a glass, he suddenly hears a very loud girly shriek from Jin’s room followed by running steps towards the living room. He quickly rush out from the kitchen and what he sees is that both Jin and YamaPi was jumping up and down on the couch with Tatsuya just looking at them confusingly.

“Cockroach!! Cockroach!! Get this things off me,Pi!! It’s eating my collarbone!!!”

“WHAT??? COCKROACH?? No freaking way!!! Ewwhh!! Get yourself off me. Stay away from me Jin!”

The screaming and shouting continue and getting more louder when the cockroach fell onto the carpet and start crawling around. Both Jin and YamaPi are jumping from one couch to the other trying to avoid the cockroach. A loud thud of glass being smash onto the table make them stops. There, beside the table, stood a very angry Kazuya.

‘Oh,shoot! I’m so busted!’

‘Angel look really pissed off!’

Jin, remembering that he supposed to be ‘injured’ and ‘sick’, quickly pretend that his feet hurt but it’s too late for him because the next things he know, both YamaPi and himself are on the floor with a very painful back as the effect of Kameda’s famous kicks.

Jin looks up to find very hurtful eyes of Kazuya looking at him. He was about to apologize when Tatsuya suddenly grab Kazuya’s wrist and both of them leave the apartment. Meanwhile, the innocence YamaPi was crawling on the floor trying to chase his angel.

“Angel,wait! What did I do??? Don’t leave with that DEVIL!!” To his bad luck, the door was shuts up to his face which has caused his nose to bump onto that thick wood door.  So, inside the house, live two very serious injured people which one of them suffering from a major nose bleeding and the other was suffering from mental guilty.


Kazuya and Tatsuya are beyond furious at Jin stupid prank as they arrived at their home. They are totally mad but Kazuya face shows something more, a betrayal? Tatsuya was seating on the couch while Kazuya laying his head on his brother thigh trying to forget everything happen earlier. A moment later, Tatsuya’s phone ringing loudly. You’s name appears on the screen makes Tatsuya quickly answers the call.

“Hello? You-kun, what’s up?”

“Ryo-chan has been admitted to the hospital.. I’m… We are at the hospital right now,” You’s voice sound troubled.

“What?? What’s happen? He was ok earlier when he‘s getting ready for his date, right?” Tatsuya asked, a little shocked from the news that he heard.

“He keeps on vomiting and went to the toilet every 5 minutes when he was drinking with his date earlier. His date left him. One of the waiter found him collapsed on the floor half an hour after that girl left him. He called for ambulance and the hospital staff called me as Ryo has set my number as his no. 1 in his speed dial,” You explained the incident to Tatsuya with shaky voice.

“Which hospital?”

“Tokyo Metropolitan Hiroo Hospital. Doctor said that he maybe has eaten some rotten food. It will takes a few days for him to recover.”

““You-kun, he will be alright. Don’t worry, ne?” Tatsuya try to calm You down.

“Yeah.. I know. Well, sorry to disturb you in the middle of the night like this. I just panicked and need someone to talk to.”

“It’s ok. That’s what friend for, right?”

“Yeah.. Anyway, thank you,” You said.

“I do nothing. I’ll try to give him a visit tomorrow, ne?”

“Ok. Oyasumi nasai, Tat-chan. Sleep tight tonight.”

“Hmm.. Oyasumi.. You too.”

“Dare desuka?”As soon as Tatsuya ended his conversation with You, Kazuya asked curiously about the caller.

“Hmm..?? You-kun.”


“That midget was admitted to the hospital just now. I think I put just too much laxative in his food,” There is sound of regret in Tatsuya’s voice.

“You DID what?”

“Well, I’m so mad at him so I think it will be ok to punish him a little. Seem that I just overdone it with that laxative stuff,” explained Tatsuya.

“I think you did great. That’s taught them a lesson not to play us around. It is true that they win the bet but play a prank and humiliate us like this?? Nuh-uh-uh.. NEVER!!” Kazuya was fired up by the early incident.

“Erm…Kazu..But I think I should go visit that Midget. Maybe I’ve put too much of laxative last night. I didn’t meant it to be like this..” There’s a trace of guilty in Ueda’s voice.

“NO! Actually you just did him a favor! You’ve help him to clean his stomach well! So he won’t get any uncured disease and illness! Do you know that stomach is the place where most of the serious disease started?? ”

“But Kazu-chan, he IS ILL now! He’s been hospitalized due to diarrhea, remember?? And all that happen because I’ve sabotage his food!”

“Relax,Tat-chan! Think of it on the bright side! Diarrhea is a curable illness, right? Besides, he won’t be facing problems with indigestion and hemorrhoid! Isn’t it good?!Maybe all of this happen because God want you to rest and be free from his torment for awhile!” says Kame with a very convincing shining eyes.

“But, Kazu.. I should at least pay him a visit right?” Tatsuya tries to reasoning with his brother.

“NO…No..No..No..No.. Nii-chan, don’t go. That Bakanishi’s friend will do anything to put the blame on you, you know?”

“Yeah.. I know.. But…”

“No but. If you really love me you will not going!”

“Kazu, try to understand..,” Tatsuya trying hard to gain Kazuya understanding.

“Waaaawawawawawa…… Nii-chan don’t love me anymore. Nii-chan bad.. Nii-chan bad.. Kazu hate Nii-chan,” Kazuya wailing to his heart content while stomping his feet hard distancing his body from his brother.

“Ok.. Ok.. I won’t go. Don’t cry,” Tatsuya said while trying to cradle his sulking brother in his arms.

“Pinky promise?” almost done sulking but still pouting, Kazuya let his brother hug him.

“Yes, baby. Pinky promised,” Lovingly he kisses his younger brother’s forehead.


For a week the KameDa duo has been missing from both of their classes and duty to their masters due to Kazuya incitement, who is still grudging over Jin’s stupid prank. Although Ryo has been discharged from the hospital after 3 days, Tatsuya decided to totally ignore him. He is more concerns about his brother, Kazuya who has not being himself past these few days of his strike against the Akanishi’s troop. As he was thinking how to cheer Kazuya up, his phone ringing a tune he has been specially reserved for someone who has caught his interest lately.

“Hello, Tacchon. Hi, how are you?” without needing the other to introduce himself, Tatsuya greet the caller sweetly.

“Hi, I’m fine. Thank you. And you?” Tadayoshi greet him back as sweet as his.

“Me? I’m doing great. Well, is there anything I can help you with?”

“Well, the others and me will be home the day after tomorrow. So, I wonder if you want to spent sometimes with ~~cough~~.. I mean.. US before we go back?” shyly he invites Tatsuya out.

“Hmm.. I really don’t know.. Kazuya been acting weird these days.. I just don’t want to leave him alone,” even the longing to spend his time with Tadayoshi is high, the brothers’ instinct does not allow him to abandon Kazuya.

“Tell you what.. why don’t you bring Kazuya as well? The more, the merrier… Right? We can go for karaoke a little, maybe dinner later on.. And if you guys up to, we can have some fun at club,” Tadayoshi tries to coax Tatsuya to give in.

After all, he really wants to see the pretty face once more before heading home. After this, he will be busy with works and does not know when he will be meeting his latest attraction again.

“I’ll try to ask him first. If he agrees to go, then can I bring a few friends as well?”

“Sure. Please come,ne? I’ll be waiting for you, Tatsuya.”

As soon as the conversation ended, Tatsuya observe his brother‘s weird behavior. Since the incident at that Akanishi’s apartment, his brother has been sulking and whining the whole time. He look at Kazuya who keep on babbling and whining to the ants to not steal his candies and chocolates ever again ‘Ermm.. Well, it’s not like those creatures understand him by the way!’. Never in his whole life has he seen his baby brother behave like this. Yes, Kazuya can be a whiny whining bitch sometimes, ermm..OK.. most of the times, but never did he whines about how cold the ice cube was nor did he ever eat three large bars of chocolates, five tubs of ice creams and also 3kg of strawberry shortcake all by himself, and not to mention, in ONE day! Come on! This is Kamenashi Kazuya we’re talking about! A person that will do anything to stay hot forever. How come his little brother change drastically like this? He never cares for others before more over for his enemy! NU-UH! So how come Kazuya care so much about what has happen with that Akanishi?  He supposed to hate that guy, isn’t it? He’s totally confused now!

“Kazu,come here for a sec.”

Kazuya look up at Tatsuya with a pouting lips for the interruption when he was busy finishing his box of ice cream.

“Hmm..? Nani Tat-chan?”

“How bout we go for karaoke tonight? My friend asks me to go karaoke with him. So I’ve told him that I’m taking you with me. What do you think? It’ll be fun.”

After a few seconds of thinking, Kazuya nod.

“Maybe we should. It’s been a while now since we last go out together,ne? Yay! Let’s ask Koki and Maru to join us. Can I? Pweeesee??” Kazuya asks while flashing Tatsuya his big puppy eyes. Tatsuya smile lovingly at his baby brother.

“Figured that out already! I’ve already told them beforehand. I know you would want them to be there as well.”

“Yay! Sankyuu nii-chan! Nii-chan saikoo!!!” Kazuya jumps on Tatsuya’s lap and hug him tenderly.

Tatsuya and Kazuya were waiting for Koki and Yuichi to pick them up as Tatsuya feels too lazy to drive tonight. As usual, both of them dress to kill in their super sexy outfit. Tatsuya decided to wear his designer black jeans which just enough to cover his pretty ass pair with sleeveless white top which do nothing in covering his sexy shoulder tainted by an attention derives extra sexy mole. As for Kazuya, he chooses to pair his vintage jeans with wide-neck t-shirt which clad all over his sinful curve.

Tatsuya was eager since Kazuya agree to hang out with him. He really could not wait to meet Tadayoshi. That guy has a calming aura which loosens his stress. Not forget to mention he has a handsome face. Tatsuya giggles softly as he remembers Tadayoshi sweet face.

Soon as Koki and Yuichi picked them up, they arrive to the promised place just in time. As they emerged into the rented room, Tatsuya froze on the spot. All of his sunny-smiley face disappear  once he saw the smirking face of the most unwanted face he wants to see right now standing all mighty and haughtily beside his beloved prince,Tadayoshi..

‘RYO NISHIKIDO..!!!!!’  
*Finally, hisa_lurve88 and me has the time to sit together and proceed our long-delayed Chapter 4.. Gomen ne?
*All comment are welcome..
*Thank you for reading

tanaka, ueda, tatsuya, kat-tun, yamapi, kame, jin, ryo, ryoda, koki, yuichi, arrogant dokkun vs. sinister hime, nishikido, akakame

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