Aug 09, 2009 11:53


[a.k.a. Arrogant Poisonous-Tongue VS. Evil Princess]

Main Pairing: RyoDa

Side Pairing: Ueda x ??, AkaKame, TaNaka, YamaPi x ??

Disclaimer: I’ve own Jin Akanishi since he was in his mommy womb. We have been married since like forever. Whatever...!! This fic just for fun, don’t sue me as I have no job, no money and totally live in poverty. Hahaha..

A/N: VERY IMPORTANT!!!! This is a collaboration with hisa_lurve88 fic with the title of Spoiled Brat VS Idiotic Jerk! I only wrote the RyoDa POV while she has written the AkaKame POV. In order to get a better understanding of the whole stories, please read her fic too. My fic started from hisa_lurve88’s first chapter. We made Kazuya and Tatsuya as stepbrothers in this fic as we hardly saw them as lovers. They are so cute together as brothers. Hahaha.. Please enjoy the fic and tell me what do you think about it, OK?

Summary: Now that they lost the bet, Tatsuya and Kazuya have to face their penalty. Trying hard to sneak out from the trio of Ryo, Jin and YamaPi but they just do not have any luck. Reluctantly both of the brothers succumb to their new Masters.

[ PROLOGUE] [ CHAPTER 1] [ Chapter 2]

Chapter 3 - The Awaken Of The Evil

“What?” You asking his cousin who paled and stood still as a pole.

“They weren’t there..!” Ryo exclaimed.

“WHAT?? H..hho.. It can’t be. It must be in my room or yours. I just looked at them this morning,” You does not believe his cousin. ‘He’s got lazy to search for it and dare to give me a crap!’

“I can’t find any of it. Not even my Leah Dizon.”

“If I can find them, you better prepare to die,” You giving him a warning.

You rose from the couch and disappearing into his bedroom, looking for the magazines and DVDs. He searched around the room that now are all cleaned up and nicely arranged. Fail to find his treasures, he enter Ryo’s room but no trace of any of the magazines and DVDs he looking for. Unsatisfied, he re-enter his room and pulling down all nicely arranged magazines and rummage each possible places, making the room once again in a mess.

“Where the hell all of our mags and DVDs?” You sounds pissed enough to kick his cousin when he walked out from the bedroom, “They are in my room and yours, right? Where did you keep them when you cleaned the house earlier?”

“I’m not.”

“Don’t deny it when it was so obvious that you are the one who cleaned the house,” You getting mad as Ryo did not admit it.

“I did not cleaned the house, OK? And I don’t know where they are!”

“Then? This house cleaned itself and the mags and DVDs just disappear like that?”

“I TOLD YOU,I DIDN’T CLEANED THE HOUSE.......” Ryo said as something crossed his mind, “........ that ugly fishlips... arghh... he is so DEAD!!!” Ryo almost scream as he remembers that his slave was the one who cleaned the house when he went out earlier.

“Ugly fishlips who??”

“That freaking Tatsuya,” without waiting anymore, he grabs his phone and starting to dial numbers asking for Tatsuya contact number.

“Barbie? What the hell he has anything to do with this?”

“HE IS THE CULPRIT WHO CLEANED THE HOUSE, ANIKI!! And stop calling him Barbie..!!” Ryo answers as he hangs up his phone.

A few minutes later, a tune signalling a message received is echoing from Ryo’s phone.

“Finally,” he said as he pushing a few buttons and makes another call.

After a long ringing, no one pick up the call. Angrily, Ryo redialling the number impatiently waiting for his slave to pick it up.

“Moshi.. Moshi.. Sanctuary Coffin Pt. Ltd. How many coffin?” Ryo staring at the screen of his phone confused.

“Haah?? Coffin??” He asked unbelievably at the voice.

“Yes? What are the measure? What colour?” Ryo hang up the phone and punched on the button one more time thinking he was misdialing the number.

“Moshi.. Moshi..”

“Isn’t this Tatsuya house?” he asked unsurely.

“Eehhh? Dare?”

“Is this Tatsuya house or not?” angrily he yelled at the person who picked up the phone.

“Yes, Tatsuya’s speaking. Who’s on the line?”

“Your MASTER?”

“Huh? How did you get my number?”

“That’s not important. What is important now, where the hell you put my magazines and DVD?”

“Ooh.. Those?”

“I throw them away?” he can hardly hear the answer.

“You WHAT??”

“Hmm...Tat-chan! Right there...That feels good.... Don’t stop,please....” Ryo feels his nose bleeding at the fainted moan he heard from the other side.


“Aaarrgghh...Not that hard Tat-chan... Please be gentler....You’re going to break me...”

“I’m sorry baby...”

‘Dammit! Did these guys are having sex while answering my call?? Gosh! That’s...That’s....Disgusting! Freaking... creepy...and...and...HOT??? Wait! I did not just think that these gay things are hot! Noooo freaking way!’

“Damn it, fishlips! I’m still on the line! Could you guys just wait a bit until the call end??? Now where’s the hell did you put all my treasure???”

“I throw them away?” Tatsuya said innocently as if he did not make any mistake making Ryo’s blood boiled.

“Wrong answer, slave!” Ryo was screaming in rage.

“But I did.. Oowww.. you treasures them... So sweet..” provokes Tatsuya.

“Fuck you, bitch. Who the hell asked you to throw my things? Not only that, my ANIKI stuffs too. Where did you throw my stuff?” Ryo exploded more and more.

“Tell You-kun I’m sorry, ne? He couldn’t be mad at me, ne?” Tatsuya plays dumb. ‘I am so dead. Aniki surely kills me for good.’ Ryo cringes at the thought of You reaction knowing his beloved collection has been throw away.

“My stuffs, you stupid donkey face. Where the hell are they?” he cannot keep his cool anymore.

“At the main garbage house or maybe I sold them with other recycled stuffs? Or maybe.. hmmm.. I can’t remember. Sorry, can’t help you. Good luck in finding your stuffs back,” without giving Ryo chance to retort, Tatsuya hang up and disconnect the main phone lines.

Ryo blinked at the phone for a few seconds.

“Arghh… that fishlips are fucking dead tomorrow..!!!”


Tatsuya rushed in to the toilet as he saw Jin Akanishi got inside. He never feels so damn angry as last night when he learned what did Jin done to his baby brother. He waited for Jin to finish his mother- nature calling before storming into the cubicle revealing the bottom-naked Akanishi-sama.

“What the heck?” Jin abruptly pulls his pants covering his nakedness. He winced as Tatsuya pull him onto his knees and push his face towards the toilet bowl. He tries to struggle but failed as Tatsuya holds too strong.

“How dare you torture my baby! I didn’t even let him use washing machine and yet you told him to hand washed your clothes????! You’re so going to pay for this!” Tatsuya snarled as he forcefully pushed Jin head into the toilet bowl making him struggling even more as he was almost drowning in the toilet bowl.

“He look like he’s going to die when he came back home! My poor baby is looking half-dead and all that because of you, pig head!”

Without giving Jin a chance to breath, Tatsuya pull Jin from the toilet bowl and out of the cubicle. He shoves Jin onto the wall behind them and was ready to punch him right onto his face when suddenly he was held back by someone.

“What the hell are you trying to do, Fishlips? Kill him??” Ryo bellows furiously as he thrust Tatsuya away from his best friend.

“It’s none of your business. He messed with MY Kazuya and he has to pay for it,” not satisfied because he cannot punch Jin, Tatsuya scream back at Ryo as he tries to grab Jin who is now hiding behind Ryo.

“In case you forgot something, Hime.. YOUR Kazuya is now HIS. He can do whatever he wants to him,” Ryo retort back fiercely “and we have some unfinished business from the last night, remember?” the evil aura was surrounding Ryo as he recalled last night event, a punishment from You Yokoyama as he failed to located his precious collection. He shuddered at the thought of it as he still traumatize of the outcome of the punishment.


Ryo was out of breath as he came back from garbage house below the apartment. He was stinks like shit but his entire search for those missing AV and magazines failed miserably. He was cursing Tatsuya to the core as he enters his cousin apartment.

“Well, where are they?” You asking fervently.

“I couldn’t find them,” Ryo replies shakily.

“Nani? Couldn’t find them?” he could sense unwanted punishment from his answer.

“That fucking hime throw them away. It’s not my fault,” Ryo try to defend himself.

“Don’t you dare to put the blame on Tatsuya. He such an angel and that’s your responsibility to cleaned up the house. Not him. He doesn’t even know you are blaming him for your own fault,” You exploded as Ryo keep on denying his fault.

“Why are you protecting him so much even when he’s the one who throw away your stuffs?”

“Don’t you dare giving me those crap,” without waiting any longer You drags Ryo into his room.

After a while..

“Dokkun, get your ass out here!!”

You was waiting outside of the room with his other friends after he left Ryo, who preparing himself for the punishment.

“No fucking way I’m going out in this crap. I’m the sexiest man after all..” Ryo was screaming on top of his lungs as he caught his reflection in the mirror.

“You better get your skinny ass out here or I’ll drag you by hair,” threaten You.

Hesitantly, Ryo open the bedroom door and walk out the room clad in HARD-GAY costume. His face red as chillies as You smirk evilly and the others just agape in shock.

“Now, the ero dance part.”


“Don’t you dare to refuse. You are to blame for the missing of our sources of entertainment tonight. Now, do what I say OR you can please my friends here with your lil’ ass,” You definitely will do as he threaten.

Reluctantly Ryo start to dance erotically to the background music played. He keeps on swearing Tatsuya as he caught the sight of You, Subaru, Tadayoshi, Ryuhei, Shingo and Yasuda jerking off on him.

‘I’m straight as the crow flies, yet here I am pleasing some bunch of homos with my ero dance. That fucking hime are so dead tomorrow.’ Ryo was totally traumatized after the punishment that he has a nightmare that he was raped by homos group all night long.

End of flashback

‘OMG.. I’m a dead duck. I forgot that I was avoiding him. SHIT!!’ Tatsuya suddenly remember that he was supposed to avoid the Great Nishikido-sama.

“Haha.. He..hello..oo.., Nishikido-sama. I’ve got to go,” Tatsuya stutters as he tries to fly away from his master.

“Hu’uh.. Not so fast, Ugly Duckling,” Ryo grabs Tatsuya wrist and hauled him out of the toilet and to the parking lot ignoring Tatsuya’s pleading that he has class to attend.


You was having his brunch with his friends when suddenly the front door was burst open revealed his cousin and his beautiful Barbie. Ryo is pushing reluctant Tatsuya facing his cousin.

“Here’s your perpetrator. Ask him where he put our collections,” Ryo said loudly releasing his anger after taking the blame last night.

Tatsuya approaching You slowly with his lovely seducing smile. ‘Sorry, Kazu. I need to borrow your manipulative technique for awhile.’

“Ano.. You-kun, gomen ne? It just a joke. I didn’t throw it away. I just keep it safe because I thought Nishikido will try to molest me if he turns on by the AV and mags. Besides, you are not here yesterday. I... Well, we don’t want that to happen right?” Tatsuya whispers sexily into You’s right ear while his hand lingers seductively on You’s arm.

You was stunned at Tatsuya hot breath on his ear. He forget to breath as beautiful man in front of him stroke his bare arm softly.

“Aniki, say something,” Ryo snaps as You does not even move.

“Who is this pretty?” suddenly Subaru was asking as You still stunned.

“Domou.. Tatsuya desu. Nice to meet you. You must be You-kun friends right?” Tatsuya cheerfully introduce himself leaving frozen You on his chair.

“Hi.. I’m Subaru.”


“Yasuda desu.”

“Shingo.” Tatsuya give each of them a friendly handshake and hugs.

When he was facing Tadayoshi, his smile getting wider. ‘What a handsome man,” Tatsuya inner thought responds as he saw him.

At the other hand, Tadayoshi lost his words as seeing an angel upon him. His heartbeats getting louder at Tatsuya smile. Something happening to his heart as Tatsuya grabs his hand softly and give him a gentle hug.

“Tatsuya desu. Yoroshiku ne?”

“Aa.. mmm.. Tttt..Tadayoshi desu. But you can call me Tacchon,” stammering with his own name, Tadayoshi replies.

“Hai.. Tacchon then.” Tatsuya still does not let go Tadayoshi hands when Ryo voice ringing loudly into their eardrums.

“THIS IS NOT THE INTRODUCTION SESSION FOR GOD SAKE..!! Aniki, it’s not fair if you mad at me when he’s the one who throw your stuffs.”

“I didn’t throwing them. I told you already ne, You-kun?” Tatsuya tilts his head cutely and gives You his best puppy eyes look hoping You will taking his side.

“Hai.. Plus, Dokkun, you are supposed to clean the house, not Tatsuya..!!” You mesmerized by Tatsuya beauty said harshly before turn to Tatsuya and in different tones, “Ne, Tatsuya-kun?”


“You are my fucking slave, remember? Of course you have to do whatever I asked. And stop lying and admit already that you’ve thrown our stuffs..!” Ryo almost shouting right into Tatsuya face.

“No. I’m not..!”

“Yes..! You’re are!!!”

“When I said NO, it means NO....!!! Am I understood??”

“Then prove it.”


Tatsuya walks to the kitchen cabinet and followed by others. He bends down as he opens one of the cabinets, taking out all the hidden treasures. What he does not realized is that as he bends his body, his low-cut jeans hide none of the curve of his full ass and milky skins making the others gulp their own saliva at the beautiful panorama.

“ Here your stuffs, Nishikido-sama,” Tatsuya sarcastically said as he taking out all of Ryo and You’s stuffs putting them onto the table top.

As he turned facing Ryo and others all he can see are those guys drooling to the floor.

“Ehh?? Nani?” blurrily he asked as they still as stone.

“Nothing. Why the heck are you keeping those there?”

Ignoring Ryo, Tatsuya approaches You and his friends, “How about I prepare some dinner for you guys for today?” says Tatsuya trying to make it up for them as he feel a little bit guilty for dragging You and his friends into his anger towards Ryo.

“Hu’uh.. Not so fast, Slave. First, clean my room and my bath. Then, rearrange all of my clothes in the wardrobe and don’t forget to do the laundry. Ooh.. the kitchen too. The dishes from last night still waiting for you to clean them up. Only after you finish all those you can kiss any ass you want, bootlicker!” Sarcastically Ryo giving his order to his slave.

Tatsuya feels his cheeks redden and hot as he receiving the order and at the same time sarcastic remarks from his so-called-master in front of others.

“I am not a bootlicker!” Tatsuya snapped.

“Yes, you are!”

“Am not!”

“Yes. A big one!! And shameless too..!!!”

“Whatever, Asshole..”

“I heard that.”

Too lazy to encounter another argument with his master, Tatsuya left to attend his chores without replying.

“He shouldn’t be doing all that, Dokkun.” You says as Tatsuya disappear into Ryo’s room.

“He is MY SLAVE, Aniki. MY FUCKING SLAVE!! I won the bet fair and square. No offends but he has to do whatever I asked him for these 3 months whatever you like it or not.”

“Whatever, man. But don’t be too harsh on him. You might fall for him... hard,” You warned Ryo with a naughty wink.

“Not likely,” arrogantly Ryo said.

“We’ll see. Thus, elders used to say that the one you hate most will be the one you love most, aren’t they? ”


“Can I help?” Tatsuya nearly spilled the cooking oil in his hand as Tadayoshi’s voice echoing in the kitchen.

“God! You startled me!” Giving the man his sweet smile, Tatsuya continues his work.

“Sorry. Didn’t mean to. Can I help?” for a second times he asked.

“Iie.. Everything are almost done. Just need a little more time before ready to be served. But if you insist, you can help me to prepare the table if you want to,” with a cavity sweet Tatsuya replies.

“Of course. That’s why I’m here right? To help you as I asked earlier..” with a sweet smile, Tadayoshi starts to set up the table for their dinner while keeps sweet talking to Tatsuya .

Meanwhile, at the living room..

“Where’s Tacchon?” Ryuhei asked.

“Where else? Kitchen, of course..” Subaru said with a meaningful smirk.

“Wow.. He’s fast. Never knew that he that kind of guy.”

“Is he hitting my Barbie?” You frowned.

“Since when he became your Barbie?”

“Since forever??”

“Hahaha.. Best man win, dude! Plus, Tatsuya surely falls for him. He has his own way of flirting, you know?”




“OK!!!! What is it, You?”

“Do you think they will go for threesome?” You sounds perfectly pervert.

“Ewwh... Aniki.. Stop it already! He has boyfriend, ok? And too horny too,” Ryo who just listen to his cousin and his friends’ conversation suddenly interrupt with disgust written all over his face..

“Then.. foursome maybe?” Ok..This kind of talk need to be stop here.



“Dinner’s ready,” Tatsuya shouting not so loud from the kitchen.

“Let’s eat. I’m starving,” Yasuda said, breaking the pervert atmosphere.

In only a blink of an eye, all of them surrounded the dining table where the foods are already been served. All of them are eyeing the dishes which smell so great like starved wolves without realizing that one of them are missing, or more accurately was left behind.

“Where is Nishikido-san?” Tatsuya asking as he passes around bowls of rice for each one of them.

“Eh..?? Ryo-chan?? Hurry up.. We are starving already,” You bid his cousin from his seat.

“I don’t want to eat,” Ryo replies harshly from living hall.

“Let him be, Tat-chan,” too eager to eat makes You idles to get his cousin to join them.

Upon hearing Ryo replies, Tatsuya face swiftly lost his brightness. He slumps onto his seat looking so down, saying inaudibly, “He must be really mad at me, ne?”

“What?? No.. I don’t think so. Maybe he still full from his late lunch earlier,” You trying to give him an excuse as he heard Tatsuya words.

“But, it’s already late. How can he not hungry yet when all of us starving? He hates me.. he hates me..” he mumbling sadly.

“No. He’s not. Nakanaide, ne?” Tadayoshi trying to coax Tatsuya who is now start sobbing softlty, hiding his face behind his palms. Drama Queen Mod ACTIVATED!!

“Hai..hai.. Tat-chan. Let’s just eat, ne? He will eat if he feels hungry later on,” Ryuhei trying to persuade Tatsuya too.

“Bb..but... What if he still doesn’t eat?? After I’ve cooked so many dishes, just to say sorry... all of it has to be waste..,” lifting his head slowly, he looks at each one of them with super-duper kicked-puppy eyes.

When he received no reply, he dramatically wipes his absent tears (The Best New Promising Actor Award goes to.... Ueda Tatsuya.... yay!!). Still pretending on sobbing his heart out, he gradually rise from his seat, says, “Maybe I should just leave....”






All of them shrieked in sync at Tatsuya words.

“I cannot stay knowing Nishikido-san so furious and hate me to his core.”

“OK.. That’s it..!!” You snapped making all of them froze at their seats, “Ryo Nishikido, get your tiny lil’ ass here on three,” he shout furiously at his cousin.

“I DON’T WANT TO EAT. WHICH PART OF IT YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND, HUH?” Ryo yells back at the same heated voice.



“TEN..!!” Ryo interrupts the counting irately.

You scrambles onto his feet to the living hall where Ryo was left earlier. In a blink of an eye, he is back with Ryo struggling in his arm.

“Let me go, Aniki! I don’t want to eat..!!” It feels like seeing a father forcing a little kid to eat as You vigorously held Ryo onto his seat with scowls on his face.

“You will eat, NOW!!! With US..!!! If you care about your sex life or having babies in the future,” threatens You.

As all of them calmly seated again, Tatsuya passes Ryo foods portion to him with a dazzling smile. He cannot tell You how he appreciates him in making Ryo eats with all of them. ‘Itadakimasu’ echoing the dining area before group of starving people devour the serving. Ryo warily ate his food, but as the foods enter his mouth he cannot stopped anymore as the foods are far from what he has expected. It is one of the most tastiest foods he ever tasted.


Tatsuya glances at his brother as Kazuya keeps on playing with his hand phone. Since an hour ago, as he came back from Ryo’s house, Kazuya does not seem in his usual self. The usual Kazuya will asked to be pampered and keep on reporting every single thing to his beloved Onii-chan like a wireless internet a.k.a. Gossip Girl..oopss..Boy? But tonight Kazuya looks lost in his own world, not to mention keep on checking his hand phone for every single second. As if he is torn between waiting and calling someone. He also notices how Kazuya keeps on typing unsent message where in the end he will erase it and flip close his phone. Feeling worry about his brother attitude, he switches off the TV and turn Kazuya’s body around so they are facing each other.

“Baby..” He held his brother chin up so that he can look into Kazuya’s eyes.

“Tell me what happen. Is something wrong?”

“Erm..N..No. Everything’s fine. I’m just tired. I think I want to take some fresh air outside on the balcony for a while. Okay?”

Tatsuya nods his head and let his brother walks out to the balcony. But his eyes never leave his dearly loved brother a little more suspicious on Kazuya behaviour. He saw Kazuya flipped open his hand phone and dialling only-GOD-knows who. He hardly heard whatever his brother said as he speaks in really low voice. Not long after that, Kazuya suddenly blurted out in a high-pitch voice something sounds like, “I’M COMING RIGHT NOW!”

Kazuya storming into the living room and without warning jumps onto his Onii-chan laps.

“TAT-CHAN!!!! I need your help! I need you to send me to Jin’s place NOW! At this very moment!” There is 100 lbs of panic in his voice.

Tatsuya rolled his eyes, nearly popping it out hearing to Kazuya panic laced words, confused.


A/N: Gomenapai... This is a super-duper late update and it is due to lack of time as I started to work after last chapter [CHAPTER 2]. For the whole two months or more I’ve been trying to steal time to write this chapter but failed miserably. [Just imagine that I’ve been working my ass off from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. or up to 2 a.m. trying to run a restaurant where the owner of it doesn’t even care about it..!!!! So, I just quit my job and I’m a jobless once again now..hahaha.. but at least I am happy..] I have completed this chapter last week, but once again my patience have been tested as my dear old stupid but beloved laptop cannot be switch on.. and I am so clever, I haven’t save it in thumbdrive..huhu.. Dayenniez knew about this coz I’ve been bugging her for it.. hahahaha.. On top of that, I have government test yesterday [Aug 8] which is a fatal chaos of my life.. but as I’m feeling really guilty, I’m forcing my not-so-genki self to redo this chapter today..and.... walahh... here the third chapter of ADvsSH.. Please read it and comment thoroughly so that I know your opinion on this chapter. Sorry if this chapter is too lousy and not well written. I’ll try my best for the next chapter ne? THANK YOU...


*To: Dayenniez, please forgive me if I let you down this time.. Gue sakit ma..!!

*To: ALL MY READERS & FRENZ, this chapter is a BELATED FRIENDSHIP DAY GIFT to ALL of YOU from ME..X.O.X.O.. Minna, Daichukiiiii.......  

tanaka, ueda, tatsuya, fanfic: multi-chapter, kame, jin, ryo, koki, mizzakachan, nishikido, arrogant dokkun vs. sinister hime, akakame

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