May 12, 2009 18:33


[a.k.a. Arrogant Poisonous-Tongue VS. Evil Princess]

Main Pairing: RyoDa

Side Pairing: Ueda x ??, AkaKame, TaNaka, YamaPi x ??

Disclaimer: I’ve own Jin Akanishi since he was in his mommy womb. We have been married since like forever. Whatever...!! This fic just for fun, don’t sue me as I have no job, no money and totally live in poverty. Hahaha..

Summary: Now that they lost the bet, Tatsuya and Kazuya have to face their penalty. Trying hard to sneak out from the trio of Ryo, Jin and YamaPi but they just do not have any luck. Reluctantly both of the brothers succumb to their new Masters.

A/N: VERY IMPORTANT!!!! This is a collaboration with hisa_lurve88 fic with the title of Spoiled Brat VS Idiotic Jerk! I only wrote the RyoDa POV while she has written the AkaKame POV. In order to get a better understanding of the whole stories, please read her fic too. My fic started from hisa_lurve88’s first chapter. We made Kazuya and Tatsuya as stepbrothers in this fic as we hardly saw them as lovers. They are so cute together as brothers. Hahaha.. Please enjoy the fic and tell me what do you think about it, OK?


Chapter 2 - Commencement of Unwanted Slavery

Ryo was waiting at the northern exit of their faculty with smirks on his face. He edgily waited for his soon-to-be slave to appear. Not to waste the three months of slavery at no cost, he has prepared a lot of works to be done at his cousin house where he is staying. He hates Tatsuya because that guy has a superior look where it makes others feel useless.

Ryo smiled as he mentally planned the punishment for the next three months when he heard footsteps rushing directing where they were waiting.

“Hayaku, Kazu! We don’t want anyone to see us, do we?!” Ryo damn sure that is Tatsuya voice, deep and manly, differ from his girly pretty face.

“I’m trying to be fast here Tat-chan,” the other voice sound irritates.

Ryo give signal to Jin and YamaPi to step out and block those two guys and he, himself steps out from behind the wall and makes Tatsuya bumped into him.

“Going somewhere, ladies?” Jin greets them sheepishly.

“I think you guys have a wrong way to go! I’m suppose OUR home is that way!” Ryo added with a devilish smirk.

He feels like laughing seeing Tatsuya‘s face. He looks like ready to killing them with his sharp ogle.

“Shall we? Oh, by the way.Take this!” Jin was throwing his bag to Kazuya while Ryo force Tatsuya to take his.

“Ready, my slave?” Ryo whispers meaningfully before ushering both guys to parking lot.

As they arrived at the parking lot, Ryo push Tatsuya’s fragile body towards his car freeing Tatsuya and Kazuya hands that holding onto each other’s tightly.

“What the fuck?” Tatsuya snapped as he feels his body being pushed.

“Into my car, slave!”

“Why can’t I ride with Kazuya?” Tatsuya protesting as he heard his brother voice calling his name.

Kazuya too, has been pushed to other white car beside Ryo’s black one by none other person, Jin Akanishi.

“Because he is Jin’s slave and you are mine. We are heading to different place, understood?” Ryo retort impatiently.  “Get in!!” not-so-gentle he shoves Tatsuya into passenger side as he opened the door making him squealed.

Reluctantly, Tatsuya enter the car without taking his eyes from Jin’s car. Kazuya looked dreadful when he was forced to get into Jin’s car.

‘My poor baby boy. Please GOD, don’t let anything happen to him. Please.. please... pleaseeee...’  Tatsuya keep his prays closed to his heart without realising that Ryo has started driving his car leaving Jin’s car behind.

Tatsuya turns his head looking helplessly at his brother who already in tantrums inside the car. When Jin’s car was out of his view, Tatsuya diverting his eyes towards Ryo who is calmly driving his car.

“Where the HELL they are taking Kazuya? What are they going to do with him?” Tatsuya is starting to rampage Ryo.

“It’s none of your business. You are MINE, and shouldn’t be worrying about others slave.” Arrogantly, Ryo replied.

“Fuck you..!! Answer me..!! Are they going to sell him to prostitution? Are they going to make him begging in the marts?? Oh..GOD.. what if they operate his kidneys, corneas, etc and sold them at the black market?” Ow..oooow..Another drama queen was born? Tatsuya cannot stop thinking the possibilities that can happen to his beloved brother as he starts to hit Ryo’s shoulder repeatedly making Ryo lose control of the car wheel and nearly crashed the divider.


Luckily, he has been able to control the car before they hit the divider. Tatsuya fall silent as he still recovering from the sudden shock. His face paled and looking blankly at Ryo as Ryo snarling at him.

“HELL...Ooo..!! Earth calling, Fishlips?? Going deaf?”


“Sissy boy??”




“TAT-WHATEVER-CHAN, I’M TALKING TO YOU,” gets no answer making Ryo bawling loudly.

“...Gosh.. Elf. No need to scream. I’m not deaf, OK?” Tatsuya finally awaked from his delusion...eerrr..illusion?..whateverr...

“That’s what I’m trying to do since last half an hour ago,” Ryo sarcastically replied.

“Whatever... Aaaaa.. Back to my questions, what will happen to Kazuya?” ignoring Ryo’s sarcastic, he asking again.

“What?? Worrying about your lil’ boo, huh?” Ryo smirked.

“Can’t you just answer it directly without wasting you saliva or time by trying to make an essay?” Tatsuya chided Ryo.

“WHAT?? ESSAY?? Can you just stop crapping here? Do I look like I care what happen to you so-called-boyfriend?”

Tatsuya was trying to retort back when Ryo said evilly, “If you don’t shut the fucking up, I swear I’ll do it for you and not in a nice way.”

Tatsuya was quietest and starting to sulk. He turned his head away and throwing his sights out of the window. They rode in silence as songs from the CD player are the only sound in that car.


Meanwhile, Jin and YamaPi have reached their destination with troublesome Kazuya. As Jin unlocked the door and slipped inside the apartment. YamaPi follows right behind him leaving Kazuya who lost in thought standing like a statue outside. Realising that Kazuya still have not move from entrance of their apartment, Jin yelled furiously from inside.

“Oiit! How much longer do you wish to stand there? I don’t need security guard. This apartment already has well-trained security guards!”

“I’m just checking your door, dumbass!” Not-so-clever answer from Kazuya makes Jin’s eyes nearly popped out.

“There’s no need for that. Get your skinny ass inside already!”

YamaPi senses some unpleasant scenes soon, so he is taking over Jin’s role as a host. He hauled Kazuya into the apartment.

“There’s no need to be that loud Jin! You’ll scare Kame-chan! Ne…? Come on in, Kame-chan! Make yourself at home ne?”

“Whatever! Here’s the list of tasks for your first day. We’re going out. Make sure you finish everything before we come home. Understand?” Jin commanded as he passed a piece of paper to Kazuya who still flabbergasted.

Kazuya mind slowly reworking and he skimming the paper tossed into his hand. Jin chuckled when Kazuya’s eyes nearly squinting at the list of works that prepared by Jin. YamaPi just can looked at him with pity.

“How on earth, am I going to finish this by myself alone?!” Jin startled at the skinny lad shrilling.

“Well, it’s not my problem! Jah ne!” without a glance, Jin heading towards the door.

“Ganbatte ne, Kamenashi-kun!” YamaPi was cheering for him just before tailing behind Jin.


“Dokkun, where have you been?” as Ryo enter the house, his cousin, Kimitaka Yokoyama greets him. His cousin also known as You among the JAL staffs where he is working as a pilot and close friends.

“Just finish my classes. What’s up?” motioning Tatsuya to come inside the house, Ryo asking.

“Can you help me? Aree… dare?” You’s eyes sparkling seeing a beautiful figure entering the living hall.

Forgetting his cousin, You approached Tatsuya and held his hand, “You… You Yokoyama.. And you, sweetheart?” without a paused, he give Tatsuya his seducing smile.

“Tatsuya desu.. Hajimameshite..” politely Tatsuya introducing himself while pulling out his hand towards Ryo’s cousin.

You grabbed Tatsuya’s hand and kissing the smooth skins seductively making the lad flushed as red as red light at the traffic light. You still holding his hand when they heard Ryo coughed meaningfully.

“What HELP, Aniki?” Ryo was anxious as his cousin easily attracted to his slave.

Although he knew the reputation You as a player but this is too much. ‘Can’t he see that donkey-face is the ugliest person in the whole Japan?’

“Owhh… Sorry. Your friend here is too stunning and I was captured with Tatsuya beauty,” You keep on praising Tatsuya without realizing that his cousin almost burn in rage as Tatsuya smirked at Ryo listening to his praise.

“What are the FUCKING HELP, Aniki?” You and Tatsuya winched as Ryo howled.

“OK..OK.. Chill out will ya?” You soothe his angered cousin. “My best friends will arrive at Narita Airport in,” checking his wristwatch “… five hours and our food supplies are out of stock. I need to do some shopping before that.”

“SO?” Ryo frown, cannot digest what kind of help You needed.

“…So, look at our surrounding,” You stretch out his arms, showing their house.

Ryo and Tatsuya are automatically turning their heads around, obeying You command. Tatsuya shocked as he just realised how messy are the house. As if the house just been knocked down by a typhoon. Clothes are strewn everywhere, food and drink containers laying carelessly on the floors and table. Not to mention, all the magazines and newspapers are scattered every inches of the house and the smell.. ‘urghh..the smell..’ the smell just like a horse has died miserably in the house.

Ryo’s face has no trace of shocked at all. He purposely did not clean up the house last night as a welcome gift to his slave. Plus, he was super busy with his life. He almost has no time for partying, dating, fucking....etc...Arghh,,too many things to do rather than cleaning.

“SO?” He asking again without a proper reaction.

“SO??” You cannot believe his ears at how cold Ryo’s voices are, “So, I need your help to clean all this mess before they arrived.”

“Why don’t you just go and shopping the supplies first before headed to the airport? You’ll be late if you are not going yet. Just leave these messes to me, OK?”

“Hontou ni?”

“Hai.. Get going. Traffics are worst at these hours. I’ll make sure everything cleaned, shining and gleaming..”

“Hai..hai.. I’ll be going,” You said as he disappears into his room to dress up.


“I’ll be going, Dokkun. Thanks, ne?” After a few minutes You come out from his room, ready to go, “Bye, Sweety. See you later,” he kissed Tatsuya’s cheek as he walking pass through him.

Tatsuya eyes widen in shock. Yokoyama-san too blunt even they just met. He feels his cheeks become hotter and blood rushing in his veins. Unconsciously, he brings his hand to where the kiss landed without realising that guy has been out of the house already, leaving his master and him alone.

“Are you done flustering?” haughtily Ryo said to Tatsuya who still in daze, making him startled. “You heard what Aniki said just now, right?” he continued.

“What?? I can’t hear you!!” Ryo half yelled when his slave barely giving any reaction to his questions.


“Yes what?” Ryo bellowed, grabbing Tatsuya front shirt harshly. “When I give commands or ask questions, answer me properly. I’m your MASTER now. Understood?”

“Yes, Master,” Tatsuya winched at Ryo crudeness.

“GOOD!! Now, I want you to clean all these messes before my cousin back with his friends, including the bedrooms,” command Ryo.

“Yes, Master,” Tatsuya answered, his mind full of hatred. No one EVER command him, NO ONE!!

“I’m going out. Get lost when you are done. Leave the keys in the mail box,” Ryo tossing a bunch of keys to him.

“Yes, Master.”

“By the way, I don’t think that we need to sign any agreement, right? You knew well enough not to play dumb with me or BOTH of you will face the consequences of it,” Ryo was out immediately after that leaving Tatsuya in fury.

“Motherfucker, shithead, elf, nanohead, horse-teeth,” Tatsuya swearing as he started to clean the house.

Thanks to his daily routine of cleaning and organizing Kazuya and his apartment, he managed to clean the house within less than four hours. Tired, angry, hungry and worried about his brother, mixed up all in one. He cannot call his brother as their phones are out of batteries as they forgot to recharge it last night due to their drunkenness. As soon as he completed his tasks, he rushing back to his apartment after ensure Ryo’s house is locked and putting the keys as ordered.

As he arrived, clock already almost 2230 hours. But his brother has not home yet making him worried for more. He grabbed the phone on his nightstand and starts to call Yuichi.

After a few ringing..

“Moshi..Moshi.. Yuu-chan?”

“... Tat-chan?? TAT-CHAN.. where are you? We have been calling you like forever.” Yuichi wailed on the other side.

“Just get back from that horse-teeth house. Did Kazu call you?”

“Yes. In fact, he asked me and Kou-chan to help him. But that Akanishi guy found out just when we finish cleaning and cooking. He even tossed us out of his apartment. I don’t know what happen to Kame-chan after that.”

Tatsuya feels like having heart attack listen to his best friend story. ‘His Kazu doing houseworks?’ Never in his life had he ever let Kazuya doing any housework. He can feel his blood boiling at the images of Kazuya working like a slave.

“Tat-chan?? Tat-chan??” Yuichi voice echoing on the phone was interrupt by knocks on the door.

“Yuu, I’ll call you back. Someone’s at the door.”

After slamming the receiver down, he rushed to the door hoping his brother is back. As he opened the door, a limp body fall onto him.

“...Nii~chann..” the voice is more weaker than the body.

“KAZUYA!!” he yells as he realized the limp body no other than his baby brother.


Ryo was whistling happily as he reached the front door of his house. It is already past midnight when he arrived home. His lucks were with him tonight as usual, giving him a mind blowing sex with the sexiest girl from the Accountancy Faculty. He was going to have another round but remembering his cousin’s friends are staying with them tonight making him reluctantly go home.

As he opened the door with the keys left by Tatsuya, he heard loud noises from the house. People laughing and talking cheerfully can be heard out loud.


“Okaeri, Dokkun,” You greeting him back, “Guys, meet my cousin, Ryo Nishikido.”

“Hi.. Shingo Murakami.”

“Domo.. Subaru Shibutani.”

“Ryuhei Maruyama.”

“Shota Yasuda desu.”

“Hajimameshite.. Tadayoshi Ohkura desu.”

After the greetings and getting knowing each other, they are all like knowing each other for a long time already. You’s friends are very outgoings persons and Ryo easily making friend with them.

“Dokkun, where’s your lil’ Barbie?” You suddenly remember Tatsuya.

“HE is NOT my Barbie and he will never be, OK?”

“Eehhh?? HE?? I thought Tatsuya was a girl.” You confused.

Ryo just shrugged his shoulders.

“Are you a gay?” suddenly Subaru Shibutani that more known as Shibu-yan asked, making Ryo cough on nothing.

“NO. I’m not. Never,” Ryo firmly confirmed his sexual interest.

“Well, too bad. I think you are cute, ne Tacchon, Yassan?” Shibutani was saying without hesitant.

“Eeehh?? Are you?” Ryo is now scratching his thick-black hair.

“I am, so do Tacchon and Yassan. Well, others are bi,” Shibutani declares as others just nodding their head agreeing with him.


“Well, I have new stuffs,” You suddenly said, broken the silence.

“What stuffs?” Ryuhei asked.

“International stuffs... five stars,” You replies meaningfully with a pervert smile. “Dokkun, you have too right?”

“Ehh?? What?” Ryo is asking confusedly.

“Those porn mags and DVDs?” You widen his eyes as Ryo just shrugged his shoulders.

“Go take them now or you’ll be out of here,” You threaten him with a serious face.

“Why don’t you get them yourself, lazy bum?” snarled Ryo.

“GO!!” You shout furiously at his most hard-headed cousin.

Ryo is mumbling something unintelligible towards his cousin as he rises from his seat and lazily walking towards his cousin room.

You and his friends were laughing and chattering with each other when Ryo returned agape. You is looking at him puzzled.


“They weren’t there..!”

“WHAT?? H..hho.. It can’t be. It must be in my room or yours. I just looked at them this morning.”

“I can’t find any of it. Not even my Leah Dizon.”

“If I can find them, you better prepare to be dead.”

At the other side of the Tokyo, at the moment..

“Nii-chan, my body hurts. I feel like my bones are broken,” Kazuya whines as Tatsuya lathering his head with lavender scent shampoo.

“Just a moment, sweetheart. Let me wash your hair first. You don’t want to sleep in filths hair, do you?” Tatsuya tries to coax his beloved brother while give a soothing massages on his bubbles-covered head.

“But it really hurt Nii-chan.. Ouchh.. my waist.. Itaiii..” Kazuya moves his cramped body slowly in the bathtub as his brother started to rinse off the shampoo.

“I’ll give you a massage after this, ne? So, bear it a lil’ longer, OK?”

“Mmhhh.. That’s Bakanishi makes me clean his house again even after Koki and Yuu-chan have done all of the work. He purposely messed up his apartment again and tortured me. Ne.. Nii-chan, that baka dare to make my body hurt like this,” Kazuya nagging about the torture that he faced a few hours before.

“”I’m going to kill that baka tomorrow. My poor baby, how dare he doing these to you,” Tatsuya was caught by his brother unnecessarily over-action report. He really cannot tolerate with whoever torturing his brother.

“Haii.. Haii.. Nii-chan, then he as me to hand wash his clothes. Look at my hands, they are hideous now. My skins are not as soft as baby anymore,” more and more and more whines.

Kazuya keeps on blubbering and whining until his brother finish bathing his sore body. He was sitting on their bed as his brother starts to dry his hair but he just cannot stop nagging all the time about how bad these Akanishi and Yamashita persons bullied him.  Where half of it not true as he manage to manipulate them to do the chores. As Tatsuya rubbing the massage oil on Kazuya back, the phone on the nightstand ringing.

“Nii-chan, don’t stop. It feels so good,” whimpers Kazuya as his hands stop the massage to answer the call.

Before he had a chance to grab the phone, it stops ringing and Tatsuya continue massaging his brother. His hands kneaded the sore muscles expertly and Kazuya moaning of pleasure fills the room. Not long after the first ringing, the phone starts to ring again. Using one hand to grab the phone his other hand keeps on rubbing Kazuya shoulder.

“Moshi.. Moshi.. Sanctuary Coffin Pt. Ltd. How many coffin?” playfully, Tatsuya answer the call thinking that was a call from his best friend, Yuichi.

“Haah?? Coffin??” the voice seem confused.

“Yes? What are the measure? What colour?” still palying.

The phone on the other side was hanged up before Tatsuya get any reply. Smiling, he hangs up too. Just as he continue massaging his brother with both hand again, another ringing echoes.

“Moshi.. Moshi..”

“Isn’t this Tatsuya house?” a not-very-familiar voice asking.

“Eehhh? Dare?”

“Is this Tatsuya house or not?” an angry voice repeating his question.

“Yes. Who’s on the line?”

“Your MASTER?”

“Huh? How did you get my number?”

“That’s not important. What is important now, where the hell you put my magazines and DVD?”

“Ooh.. Those?”


“What the heck are these?”

Tatsuya cannot believe his eyes as he scanning the porn magazines and DVDs scattered on the floor and bed. Not to mention, the used condoms and bottles of lube carelessly thrown around the room.

“Eewwhh... disgusting..” frowning in disgust, Tatsuya grabbing all the things into the black garbage plastic bag. He did the same for Ryo’s room as he found countless porn magazines and DVDs.

End of flashback

“You WHAT??”

“I throw them away?” Tatsuya said innocently.

“Wrong answer, slave!” Ryo was screaming in rage.

“But I did.. Oowww.. you treasures them... So sweet..” provokes Tatsuya.

“Fuck you, bitch. Who the hell asked you to throw my things? Not only that, my ANIKI stuffs too. Where did you throw my stuff?” Ryo exploded more and more.

“Tell You-kun I’m sorry, ne? He couldn’t be mad at me, ne?” without fear, Tatsuya plays dumb.

“My stuffs, you stupid donkey face. Where the hell are they?”

“At the main garbage house or maybe I sold them with other recycled stuffs? Or maybe.. hmmm.. I can’t remember. Sorry, can’t help you. Good luck in finding your stuffs back,” without giving Ryo chance to retort, Tatsuya hang up and disconnect the main phone lines.

‘Served you right, stupid short-leg monkey!!’


~To be continue~

A/N: I’m really sorry for the late update. I just broke my laptop and my mother’s. So, sharing laptop with three other people making it hard as I cannot use it at anytime I have the idea.. I promise to update the next chapter a.s.a.p.

P/S: Please comment cause I really need to know if I disappoint you or not in my writing.

tanaka, ueda, tatsuya, kat-tun, yamapi, kame, jin, ryo, ryoda, koki, yuichi, arrogant dokkun vs. sinister hime, nishikido, akakame

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