Apr 26, 2009 17:48

Part II

“Rain, rain, go away, hicckk~~

Come again another day,

Nishikido’s hair is like hay, hickk~~

Maybe we should burn them in an ashtray.

“Better than your hair, Fishlips. How much hair products do you use to make it static like that?” Ryo pokes Tatsuya non-moving hair.

Tatsuya was already drunk after a few glasses of beer. Now he was quoting riddles that condemned Ryo.

“My hair is just fine. You’re jealous because you hair sucks,” Tatsuya shifts to Ryo’s right and leaning to his new-found-enemy.

“What the hell are you doing?” Ryo tries to slap away Tatsuya hands on his thigh which is dangerously closed to his private part.

Cowboy came from the west, hicckkks~~~

Drinking milk in a glass, hickss~~

Tatsuya is definitely the best,

While Nishikido surely just a stinks ass. Hicckkks~~

“Best? Who? You? Best in what? Su.....” Ryo just lost a word when Tatsuya sat on his lap clinging to his neck like a monkey.

“Get off you stupid hime. Are you a perv...” trying to throw Tatsuya who perilously burying his head on his crook of neck, he feels weak all of sudden.

They are so closed that he can smell sweet scent of Tatsuya shampoo. A pairs of wet lips trailing his neck up to the back of his left ear. His heart starts to pounding like a madman.

Noo.. he is the sexiest and straight as ruler man. He cannot be aroused by this stupid monkey.

When Ryo is trying hard to ignore the temptation of Tatsuya sweet scent and his wet kisses on his neck, without warning Tatsuya bites his neck all he might.

“Arrggghhhhhhhhhhhh..................................,” Tatsuya was thrown onto the floor while Ryo holding his now-bleeding neck.

Tatsuya climbing the chaise lounge with Yuichi’s help. Yuichi was trying to help Koki stopping Kazuya antics before shocked by Ryo’s yelp in pain. Before he knew, Tatsuya was lying on the floor.

Tatsuya giggling feverishly when Ryo cursed him “You son of the bitch,” Ryo exploded.

Prruuuuttttt... prrrruuuuuuuuuuutttttttt... suddenly, a chain farts were released loudly. Tatsuya showing his satisfied faced while saying “Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....”

Ryo widen his eyes disbelieved. He cannot suppress his laughter when Tatsuya farts again, and again, and again.....

“Roses are red,

Skies are blue...~~hicck~~

Nishikido is the shithead..~~hiccck~~,

That’s why I hate youuuuu...~~hiccckk~~,”

Tatsuya stupidly sing-sang another riddles, when alcohol completely clouded his right-mind.

“I don’t like you either, Fishlips. Who like a guy who just farts over and over again in public?” Ryo smirk at now-totally-drunk Tatsuya. Even if his neck stings like hell, he cannot hide the amusement on his face. He already started to record his opponents drunk acts by using his hand phone camera as he found them so hilarious.

“But I hate you morrrreeeeeeeeeeee,” grabbing another glass of beer, he whining.

“Hate me all you can. You’re going to pay for it anyway, donkey-face,” taking his handkerchief out, he dabs the little blood from his neck.

He promised himself to make Tatsuya’s three months being his slave as hell as possible.

“Tat-chan, you’re drunk. Stop it,” Yuichi tries to snatch the glass in Tatsuya away only to receive death glare from his best friend.

“Who said that I’m drunk? ~~hicckkk~~~ I’m not drunkkk... ~~hickk~~... If I’m drunk, I will be slave to this stupid, self-proclaimed sexy man for 3 monthhhssss...,” Tatsuya already gulping his drink right after he speaks.

“Kame-chan, stop pulling Tat-chan shoes. What the hell are you doing??” Koki was busy averting Kazuya from pulling his brother shoes and socks when Kazuya finally stop his dim-witted acts just now. But it is no use as the younger already sucking Tatsuya toe.

“Kazu-channnn~~.. hehehehehe... it ticklish.. hhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...” Tatsuya giggles, half- laid onto the chaise lounge.

“Hhnmm... lollipops..nyum..nyumm..,” Kazuya mumbling and back at sucking his brother toe deliciously.

“Hnuhh.... Good boy..!! Good!! Goodd!!!” Tatsuya pats his brother head as if he is a dog when Kazuya keep on sucking his toe.

Ryo, Jin and YamaPi were stunned with these now drunk men at first but now they totally cannot hold their laughter anymore as the acts became too much hilarious. After a little alcohol, both of pretty guys in front of them are totally out of their minds. And as evidence, those shamefully acts has been recorded by three hand phone-cameras from different angles.

“We better get the hell out of here, Yuui-chan. They are totally insane. Please..please..??!!” nearly spill his manly tear, Koki begged his boyfriend as he cannot bear the shame brought by his drunken friends.

“Hold on.” Ryo stopped them as they began to move drunk Tatsuya and Kazuya from their seat.

“What? You’ve won, isn’t it? Can you let us bring them back home already?” Yuichi cannot hold his patience anymore.

“Well, I need to ensure that they won’t trick us and refuse to comply their punishment. Give me your phone,” Ryo started to punch buttons on Jin and YamaPi hand phones after doing the same to his hand phone.

Yuichi quizzically handed his hand phone to Ryo. After awhile, Ryo returned the hand phone with total satisfaction display on his handsome face.

“Tell them, if they dare not to fulfil their punishment, I’ll upload this in youtube and make sure the whole university saw this interesting video clips. Am I clear?” threaten Ryo.

“Yes. Whatever man. It is just stupid bet anyway,” Koki said carelessly while half-dragging Kazuya out of the club while Yuichi carrying Tatsuya.


Tatsuya was waked up by his brother whines. He trying hard to open his glued eyes by rubbing them and when he finally saw his brother face

“Kazuu…?? You look like shit..!  And…Owh….Gosh! My head’s hurt too…”

“What happen last night, Nii-chan?”

“I don’t remember….Hmm… let’s get up now. We’re going to be late for class.”

Tatsuya was making up their bed after Kazuya went to take his bath when he heard his brother screaming. He is running out of their bedroom towards his now-freezing brother. He was pointing towards ‘something’. Quizzically, he turns to the direction Kazuya was pointing and found out that his so-called best friends Koki and Yuichi sleeping while cuddling with each other lovingly.  Without wasting any time, the two brothers launch their double kick again towards the couple.

“Get up, you scum! Who the heck told you that you guys can make out in our house??!!” he was screaming to the top of his lung at the impropriates love acts shown by his best friends (in his opinion..)

“Yeah… Go home already. And how on earth did you guys come in last night?” his brother spurted out.

Yuichi and Koki who were woke up by the siblings’ kicks, rubbing their eyes hazily.

“Hey! Is this how you treat the person who has done you a favour?” Koki suddenly burst out.

“HUH?” the two brothers say at the same time.

“Don’t you remember? You guys are soooo druunnnkk last night. We’re the one who drive you home!”

Tatsuya struggles to refresh his blank memories.

“I don’t remember anything. So does Tat-chan.” His brother finally speaks up.

“Ooohh…You better remember because you’ve just got yourself into hell. BOTH OF YOU!”

“WHATT??!!!” both of them shriek simultaneously.

“Soo.... that’s what is happening last night,” Yuichi finished reciting the previous events.

“Eewwhh…I will never do that!” Kazuya shriek disbelieved.

“You just did,Kame-chan!” Koki said, agreeing with his beloved boyfriend.

“I don’t believe you!”

“We have proof. Here!” Yuichi pounded on the hand phone button and in a few seconds a video of last night’s action playing on the screen.

“Why on earth did you record this?!” Tatsuya exploded after watching all three angles of theirs mortifying behaviour.

“We didn’t. They did! And it comes with a message.”

“What kinds of message?” Tatsuya and Kazuya abruptly stood up.

“Prepare to be a slave. Or else they will post it on the internet and also spread it all over our university.” Yuichi is delivering the message from Ryo.

Tatsuya and Kazuya looking at each other with wide eyes, and  after blinking a few times..

“AAAAAARRRRRGGGHHHHH!!!!!” theirs screams surely can be heard in 150 kilometres radius.

“I’m screwed!” Tatsuya knees give him up. He fell unceremoniously on the couch.

“NOOOO!!! My youth is crushing! I’m entering hell!!!! How can a sexy guy enter hell???” Queen Kazuya’s drama is starting.

‘What are the relevant between sexy and hell anyway?’

“I want to change university! Nii-chan…let’s change to a different university! Ne? Ne?” Kazuya shaking his brother-self panicky.

“Are you nuts? Dad will kill us if he receives any news about that. Do you forget what he told us before? If we caused any trouble or create any problem, we need to go and stay with them in New York!” Tatsuya cannot trust his ears.

How can Kazuya suggest that when he knows the consequence of it? Besides, their father surely separates them for sure if he knows that Kazuya was the key to this problem. He cannot risk to be separated from his sweet brother. He could die missing his brother.


Kazuya now half kneeling in front of his beloved brother.

“What should we do, Nii-chan? What if he asks me to do something not nice? What if he does something to my precious body?” his baby brother surely knows how to hallucinate.

“Don’t worry, Kazu. It’s just a bet. I don’t think they will take it seriously. Just pray they forgot about it already, okay? For now, let’s just go to class.” He decided.

His brother can only nodding weakly. He feels like dying. Kazuya Kamenashi, the hottest and sexiest guy being a slave to Jin Akanishi..... A slave to a IDIOT PIG?


“Do you think they are trying to avoid us today, Ryo-chan?” Jin asked.

“Naahhhh... They wouldn’t dare. Besides, we have their secret. They’re dead meat if they dare to dodge the punishment,” Ryo answered devilishly. His hand is rubbing slowly his plaster-covered neck.

“But we haven’t seen them the whole morning. And this is our last class,” Jin is scratching his non-itchy head.

“When I call you idiot, you disagree with me. But you really are a Bakanishi. They can’t escape even if they’ve tried to,” Ryo slapped Jin empty head playfully.

“What do you mean, Ryo-chan?” YamaPi who was silently listen to his friends’ conversation, asked.

“They won’t use the main exit today. They will be using the northern exit. So we’ve wait for them there,” Ryo explained.

“...and you know because???”

“Let’s say I knew because I’ve made someone happy,” Ryo smirked.

“...Hhmmm... by that you means that you’ve been making out with a girl who knows their movements this morning, right?” confutes YamaPi.

“..eeeehhhhhhhhhhhh????????????? You’ve got laid already, Ryo-chan?” Jin squealed disbelieved. “Mou~~ why don’t you tell us, Ryo-chan?”

“What for? I don’t want to share with you,” Ryo sticking out his tongue childishly at Jin.

“But sharing is caring and caring is loving. You love me, aren’t you?”

“Who says anything about loving you?” cruelly Ryo answered.

“Bakanishikido.... Pi, Ryo don’t love me anymore.....,” Jin was asking for YamaPi sympathy.

“Stop it, you guys. Prof. Fujiyama was staring at us now and then.”

YamaPi warned his friends as their lecturer was glaring at them a few times, making Jin sulking more at heartless Ryo.

After classes end, 1700 hours...

Tatsuya was half relieved when they have not run into the trio the whole day.  Sneaking off the rarely used exit of their faculty, Tatsuya ushered his brother to the northern exit where Koki and Yuichi will be waiting to pick them up.

“Hayaku, Kazu! We don’t want anyone to see us, do we?!” he grabbing his brother’s hand to make him move faster.

“I’m trying to be fast here Tat-chan,” Kazuya pouting.

‘I can’t let them see us. Only God knows what they have been planning to do.. Goshh… It’s so embarrassing. How can I fart like that?’ Tatsuya blushing like a tomato when he recalled his stupid drunk acts last night.

‘Damn those stupid assholes!! I’ll make sure they will regret it for making the greatest, sexiest and hottest sneaking out like criminal. Oohh... my poor die-hard-fans... Your sexiest and hottest guy cannot give you my sweet smiles and flying kisses today.. !! Please bear with it. I’ll be back’ Kazuya was monologue when he bumped into something.... or rather... someone.

“Going somewhere, ladies?” Tatsuya was trying to balance himself from a fall when they were bumping into some people when he heard a familiar voice greets them.

“I think you guys have a wrong way to go! I’m suppose OUR home is that way!” Tatsuya have the urges to kick that Nishikido person right on his groin.

“Shall we? Oh, by the way.Take this!” Jin was throwing his bag to Kazuya.

“Ready, my slave?” Ryo whispers evilly in Tatsuya’s ears, making him having a goose bump.

‘This is going to be a lot of fun…’ Jin and Ryo thought.

‘This is totally a disaster…!’ Tatsuya and Kazuya cannot help from feeling anxious.

To Be Continue

~Back to Part I / Prologue~

* So, what do you think about this chapter?? Shall I continue? Are they confusing?? Comment purizuu!!!!*

tanaka, ueda, fanfic: multi-chapter, koki, mizzakachan, arrogant dokkun vs. sinister hime, akame, tatsuya, jin, kame, yamapi, ryo, ryoda, nishikido, yuichi, akakame

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