[Platina Parlour] Drabble: If They're Cellphone-type Persocon

Jun 09, 2013 21:37

Title: If They’re Cellphone-type Persocon

Author: mizuno_hikaru

Disclaimer: All charas belongs to Platina Parlour.

A/N: If you’re wondering what they’ll look like, try browsing Chobits ‘Sumomo’ and ‘Kotoko'-They’re laptop-type persocon though (26cms) Btw, please ignore my grammar.


Jun is the mature type. He is popular with mature, working ladies and younger ladies that loves to be pampered gently. He is good with English and Japanese, beside bahasa. His height is 18 centimetres tall.

During idle mode, he will self-search for these relevant topics: books, sushi, and mythology. He sometimes recites Silent Hill’s trivias too. Unlike the other type, Jun favored the rain, but make sure to keep him dry.

He will ask you a nickname to call you after the first registration, but basically he will call you Milady. He’s good with his sweet words, and will arrange your daily schedule nicely. He’ll confirm your schedule in the morning, so make sure you’re paying attention.

The default clothes is his head butler uniform, but you may purchase more of the wardrobes. Just make sure it was labeled KP.G01 (Keitai-Persocon Gold 01) since every Platina Parlour series’s keitai got different height and sizes.


Ken is the gentle type. He is good looking, with calm personalities. He is somewhat pure, so please don’t teach him weird or dirty things. He is 17.9  centimetres tall. Ken will treat his owner with gentle care and respect, like a real lady / princess. He’s good with arranging files and schedules, but please note he’s kinda airhead for personal matters like love.

During idle mode, he will singing, playing his virtual guitar, drawing, and taking pictures. Unfortunately, you will need extra application download for them. But it’s free, so please be at ease. Ken type also very up to date with movies and cinema’s newest release.

Ken will ask you about your name after the first registration, and will call you using that name by adding ‘Milady’ in front of the name. If you leveled up your relationship with him, you can ask him to calling you by name only.

The default clothes is his silver-rank butler uniform, but you may purchase more of the wardrobes. Just make sure it was labeled KP.S01 (Keitai-Persocon Silver 01) since every Platina Parlour series’s keitai got different height and sizes.


Shuu is the childish type. Fans often refered him as the shota type. He is 16.8 centimetres tall, and kinda chirpy-happy type. He is famous for kicking ladies’ maternal instinct to spoil him rotten, but on the other side, tickling his owner’s heart to tease him endlessly. Please be careful to not over-teasing him-it will make him sulk and depressed.

Shuu acts a little clingy and always took interest in his owner’s doings. During idle mode, he will sleep. Try poking his cheek to wake him up. Calling his name works just fine too. Shuu provides a large range of anime datas, and fond with Sadako. If you downloaded ‘Sadako Doll’ from the free extra application, he will hug the doll in his sleep.

Shuu will ask you about your name after the first registration, and confirmed a nickname for you based on the name. Shuu will help you in most daily activities, including arranging your schedules, but please note that he is easily panicked when you give him a late respon. One of the most famous interaction is how he cries when you’re keep sleeping during the morning alarm.

The default clothes is his silver-rank butler uniform, but you may purchase more of the wardrobes. Just make sure it was labeled KP.S02 (Keitai-Persocon Silver 02) since every Platina Parlour series’s keitai got different height and sizes.


Kai is the cheerful type. He got a really dazzling smile and enjoys adrenaline rush activities. Kai is 17.5 centimetres tall. He is fond with red colour, and not afraid with dogs. Please watch him during the whole interaction since dogs tends to licks and bites.

His cheerfulness will brighten your gloomy mood. Kai often recites cartoons’ trivias. During his idle mode, Kai will do self-sport or playing with toys; mostly nendos. Please download the extra free application for it. If you want to, please select one of the premium dog-pet application for Kai, he’ll play and train the dog during the idle mode.

Kai will ask for several nicknames after the first registration. He will using one each time, in random orders. Kai will reminds you to exercise once in a while, but you may ask him to remind you later if you got a packed schedule. Please note refusing his reminders three times a row will make him sad.

The default clothes is his silver-rank butler uniform, but you may purchase more of the wardrobes. Just make sure it was labeled KP.S03 (Keitai-Persocon Silver 03) since every Platina Parlour series’s keitai got different height and sizes.


Riku is the megane-sadist type. He is possessive with his owner. Riku is 17.8 centimetres tall. Please note that it was confirmed that Riku type emits a special kind of feromon that make your hearts race. A pack of whip and chains is included if you bought the special package.

Riku is good with reading people gestures and body languages. He loves to observing human, but please be at ease that he won’t watch you during your sleep or using your weakness as a blackmail material… well, we hope so. During the idle mode, he will do basketball sometimes, so feel free to download the free extra application.

Riku will ask for your name after the first registration. He will add ‘Milday’ to your name, but after you leveled up your relationship with him, he will create a nickname for you. Please note that Riku type get jealous easily.

The default clothes is his gold-rank butler uniform, but you may purchase more of the wardrobes. Just make sure it was labeled KP.G02 (Keitai-Persocon Gold 02) since every Platina Parlour series’s keitai got different height and sizes.


Kou is the tsundere type. He is a limited type of the series, and sold limited by special orders only. He will act as he don’t care, but the truth is, he cares about his owner. Kou is 17.7 centimetres tall. Please note that Kou didn’t good in expressing his feelings by words, so please nurture your relationships patiently. After it reached a certain level, Kou will get attached with you and often do random hugs whenever he feels like it. Do not mention his blush while he’s showing his affections, or he will revert into his original tsundere mode.

Kou likes strawberries, so if you downloaded strawberry-related application onto him, his relationship level with you will risen by a little bit. He also interested in martial arts, occasionally drawing-please download the free extra application for these actions. If you downloaded the sweets data, he will eat it during the idle time. If you want to, please select one of the premium cat-pet application for Kou, he’ll play with the cat during the idle mode.

Kou will not ask you for your name after the first registration. By default, he will call you ‘Milday’ but after you leveled up your relationship, he will ask you for a nickname. Please be patient as it’s not easy to leveling relationship with Kou types.

The default clothes is his gold-rank butler uniform, but you may purchase more of the wardrobes. Just make sure it was labeled KP.G03 (Keitai-Persocon Gold 03) since every Platina Parlour series’s keitai got different height and sizes.

The next 4 Keitai Persocon Butlers from Platina Parlours series will be released soon. Stay tuned!



Sumpah gw mau banget kalo ampe ada persocon keitai kyk gini *insert muka pacman*

platina parlour, purappa

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