
Aug 15, 2006 11:39

My shoulder's acting up. This has become enough of a rarity to be actively offensive to me, nevermind painful. Don't know if it's from carrying groceries the last couple days or from sitting on the couch doing my galleys for PHOENIX, but ow. I should probably, like, take some aspirin, huh?

Galleys are going well. Just a matter of typing them in now, really. This is the first time I've focused on, "Huh, can I change this line around a little in order to get rid of the orphans?", which is possibly in part because there's almost nothing else to do in this set than that. Very very clean and tidy, and I'm actually happy with the story. That always surprises me. :) Anyway, if I spend a couple hours here doing dedicated typing, I should be able to get these turned in before the editorial assistant actually gets to work, which is always kind of fun. Makes him happy. :)

I'm trying to out-smart LJ and be able to write my own page layout for my journal. It's been this way since, what, early April or something? That's unheard of. I'm tired of it. :)

So they're driving down to the beach in Santa Barbara and Vaughn says something like, "I've got something to tell you," and I said, "*CRASH*!" cause hey, obviously that's a line for another car to smash into them on. Only it didn't, so 90 seconds later when he says, "First, my name isn't really Michael Vaughn," and then *CRASH!!!!* Ted and I both jumped out of our skins, we were so totally unprepared for it. *laugh* And now I feel all dorky 'cause I'd read that spoiler but had forgotten about it and got surprised anyway. :)

Overall the season was better than I expected it to be, after hearing reviews. It had nothing on the first couple seasons, but not bad, and Lena Olin came back, which made my heart very very happy. I love that woman and that character, and the Derevko sisters are so fantastically cast. I should've realized Sophia was Elena, but I didn't, and when I did I was thrilled, because I'd been wondering who on earth they could cast as the third sister who could stand up in beauty to Lena Olin and Isabella Rossellini. Sonia Braga was perfect. Poor Jennifer Garner, who is not an unattractive woman, is the dog in that family; Mia Maestro, with her square jaw and large eyes, really could be the niece or daughter of any one of those three women, but Sydney just doesn't fit in with the rest of the family. (She does, however, have Victor Garber's ears, so apparently we can legitimately blame Syd's looks on Jack.)

I must get LFN4 now. And watch Tru Calling.

miles to Isengard: 225

writing, fanboy, work, daily life, tv on dvd

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