
Aug 14, 2006 18:15

I am Ms. Spammy Poster today, but this is News of Significance, so I'm writing about it even though I have Very Little Idea what it means, mostly.

There's just been email from Harlequin regarding the Bombshell imprint. To wit, that the imprint has been cancelled as of January 2007. (It's not performing well enough, in short.)

You know that big long posting about the ridiculous number of books I had under contract that I did a few days ago? The one titled, "4 down, 6 to go"?

It is now suddenly 4 down, 3 to go.

This is what I *do* know: THE PHOENIX LAW is due out in December and so will be published. I am very glad about that, although not surprised: I'm in the midst of doing galleys on it, and figured if it was that close to production, that it'd be published if the line went down. There's been talk of the line going under the last several weeks, so I'm not at all surprised by this news, though I thought it might take another month before the decision was finalized. Apparently when Harlequin decides to cut a line free, though, it happens promptly.

I know absolutely *nothing* else on this topic yet. I am not at all destroyed by this, nor surprised; I did suspect it was coming, and while I really and truly would not have signed on for doing as much as I did if I couldn't do it, *not having to* doesn't exactly suck. I'm a little disappointed, yes, but as the conversations online just went:

debela says "That frees up the sanity on your calendar significantly."
mizkit says "It means I can REWRITE ANGLES!"
debela hugs you, "And now I start the countdown to when you fill it up with other -"
debela spreads her hands.


silkiemom says "Kit will not go insane!"
mizkit says "What a concept!"
dtm says "Or rather, "Kit will need to now go line up additional projects to enable her insanity"."

(I begin to suspect people have this overachiever image of me branded in their minds. I don't know *why*!)

Actually, you know what, ironically, this does not make the rest of *this* year *any* less insane. I still have 2 proposals, 2 revisions, 1 galley and a comic book script to finish this month, and then a book to finish before mid (or preferably early) November. _Next_ year, however, the differences are legion.

More when I know it!

writing, strongbox chronicles, cate dermody, career

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