2013 Birthday Prompt #1: S&MK for Hazelwho

Jan 05, 2013 09:02

First of all, Hi! I am so excited to be doing this again this year, you have no idea! And to start today is doubly special, as it marks the 11th anniversary of the Day Miz Became A Mom (aka DoMH's bday).

So to kick things off, I'm going with a prompt that takes me back to my oldest writing fandom, Scarecrow & Mrs. King. But uhm... but the icon above doesn't really apply. Here's the thing. When I got this prompt, I tried really hard to think of Lee/Amanda, or better yet, Francine/Leatherneck. For like, a week, I kept trying to come up with something, which is silly because the prompt is perfect for this fandom.

And then my brain said, "Hey, how about writing some femmeslash? Remember that Amanda/Francine AU 'verse you never finished (but love)?" And this fic (with its sideways use of the prompt) was born. So yeah, future!fic, for a 'verse I haven't even posted. Such is the brain of miz. Thank you,
hazelwho, for not being pairing-specific for this one :) Oh, and for giving me my first Tropes Bingo square - "secret relationship"

“Only twenty more minutes until dinner, boys!” Amanda called up the stairs. “Plenty of time to shovel the drive.” She paused, then added, “The one who does the most gets out of dish duty for the next two days.”

Francine watched from the couch as Amanda quickly stepped aside. Sure enough, a few seconds later there was a thunder of footsteps on the stairs, accompanied by a chorus of “I’ve got it, Mom!” from the boys as they pulled on their coats. Francine watched from the couch as Phillip and Jamie raced outside, pushing each other so they could get out the door first.

“Nicely handled,” Francine complimented, and Amanda grinned at her, tilting her head in thanks as she closed the door they’d left open in their haste.

“You just have to know their weak spots,” she said. “In this case, competitiveness. And a hatred of washing the dishes.”

“If you ask me, they’re doing the harder work,” Francine commented, taking a sip of her wine before setting the glass on the table in front of her. “I’d choose warm soapy water over being out in the cold clearing the driveway any day.”

“Francine Desmond - if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were actually volunteering to help with the chores,” Amanda replied with a teasing grin as she sat next to Francine.

Francine put a hand to her chest and shuddered in mock horror. “Perish the thought!” She tried to look offended, but couldn’t hold off a laugh.

Amanda leaned back into the couch and closed her eyes with a sigh. “This also has the bonus of getting them out of the house for a few minutes.”

Francine scooted a little closer. “I like the way you think,” she said with a slow smile.

“I didn’t mean it like that,” Amanda laughed, but she edged closer to Francine, who immediately shifted so her arm was draped on the back of the couch. Amanda moved to her side, putting her head on Francine’s shoulder as she wrapped her arm around Francine’s waist. “This is nice, though.”

Francine hummed in agreement, enjoying the unexpected chance to be close. “You were saying?” she gently prompted as she toyed with Amanda’s hair.

“I just thought it would be a good way for them to work off some excess energy. They’ve been either underfoot or annoying each other all day.”

“They are pretty excited about Christmas,” Francine agreed. She cast a glance around the room, festively decorated for the upcoming holiday. “I think they come by it naturally.”

“You really don’t think it’s too much?” Amanda asked quietly. Francine heard uncertainty in her voice and moved so they were facing one another.

“It’s perfect, Amanda. Have I ever said anything to make you think otherwise?”

Amanda looked down at her hands, her fingers toying with the edge of her sleeve. “No, but…”


“It’s different this year. Isn’t it?” she looked up through her lashes at Francine, concern clear. And Francine got it. Yes, she’d been over here for the past few years for Christmas, but that was just as a friend. This was their first Christmas as more, and it was still new enough to feel fragile.

“Yes it’s different,” she finally answered. Amanda started to look down again; Francine caught her chin, lifting it gently and then cupping Amanda’s cheek. “But that just makes it better. We may have to keep our relationship quiet, but this year is the first time I’ve really felt like I was a part of things, and not just a guest.”

Amanda brightened, and Francine couldn’t help but lean in to kiss her, soft and sweet. When they moved apart, Francine pulled Amanda back in to snuggle. “So, is there any incentive for volunteering for kitchen duty?”

“Well, there will be a lot of plates and things,” Amanda said. “It’ll probably take two people. And they’d have to work pretty closely. Just to make sure nothing gets dropped, of course. And it isn’t a quick job. You think you’re up for the challenge, Desmond?”

Francine thought of all the “accidental” touches and flirty looks that might happen, and kissed the top of Amanda’s head. “I think that’s an assignment I can handle.”

This entry was originally posted at http://mizface.dreamwidth.org/67707.html where there are

fanfic, birthday prompt, s&mk, tropes!bingo

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