Fandom Snowflake Challege 2013 - Day Four

Jan 04, 2013 21:35

Ugh. This is the HAAAARD day. Because really, I like giving things more than getting them, to an extent. I mean, I'm the one who asked for writing prompts for her b'day! *sigh* But I came up with a thing or two last year, and got some incredible stuff (including the icon I am using for this post). So here's a few leftovers that still hold a great deal of appeal. Plus one new request, that I am crossing my fingers someone has access to.

In your own space, create a list of at least three fannish things you'd love to receive, something you've wanted but were afraid to ask for - a fannish wish-list of sorts. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your wish-list if you feel comfortable doing so. Maybe someone will grant a wish. Check out other people's posts. Maybe you will grant a wish. If any wishes are granted, we'd love it if you link them to this post.

Icons. In truth, I'd love to make some, but time is not my friend. And I use them very specifically - sometimes choosing one to fit the post takes forever. So here's my list:

One with my name (or an 'm' or miz, all lower case in any case) would be shinywonderful.

Monty Python (Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition! Fish slapping!) Can you picture an animated gif of the fish slapping dance? or a written list of what Nobody Expects, interspersed with the lads of MP?

Oh! And Eddie Izzard! I have a couple of text icons that are quotes of his, but what I would love beyond all reason is an animated icon of his yes/no bit. I can't remember the show (I rewatched them ALL recently. I know it was NOT Dressed to Kill or newer). But he's talking about Englebert Humperdink, then says he's been killed, then does this long bit where he shakes his head, then nods, so the audience can never tell if he meant what he said or not. Love. It.

Vampire Diaries. I'd love a Damon icon (with him being all charming) that says "Hiiiii." Which is a quote from a hilarious recap, and pretty much what I say to the TV whenever he gets all, look how awesome I am.

Another fun icon would be one that says "Man of a Muppet" and shows Stefan from VD, then switches to "Muppet of a Man" and shows the puppet-Angel from Angel: the Series. Because I really think Stefan is a muppet.

I kind of love icons a lot.

And then there's my music request. Does anyone have access to Christian Kane's first album, Kane, now sadly out of print? It's the one with "Rattlesnake Smile" on it. I LOVE that song, and would love to hear more of that album. I do have his current CD, but yeah, that older one
calls to me.

This entry was originally posted at where there are

fandom snowflake

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