2012 Fic/Art list

Jan 06, 2013 10:49

So here it is - the round-up of fic and art I did in 2012. A lot of it does double duty (like Bingo and a 'verse) which made this trickier to put together than I expected. But I think I got it all, just scattered oddly at times. Also, I never realize how much I've done until I put this list together - definitely much more than I remembered!

Birthday Prompts

Betwixt and Between dS, Pern AU F/K pre-slash

I Feel Shadows, Everywhere HI, Linnet 'verse

(In Heaven, an Angel is) Nobody in Particular dS AU, F/K pre-slash

In Our Old Familiar Place dS, F/K implied, Stella/RayV implied

Only Just Out of Reach dS, krkavec

What Must the Neighbors Think! dS, Djinn!RayK 'verse

I Watched All my Plans Blow Away with the Wind dS, Pern AU, F/K

The Secrets I Still Keep From You dS, F/K, post CotW

Uncharted Territory dS, krkavec

due South, rayswitch, coffee

You Shall Have Rubies HI, Linnet 'verse

Like a Wink and a Smile dS, Turnbull/Ray Vecchio

Threadfall dS, Pern AU

A Conversation Between Mothers dS/S&MK

Late Night Conversation HSM/AtS

Not-so Chance Meeting dS, AU


Flame From a Tiny Spark dS, Pern AU F/K

Soon Will Come HI, Linnet 'verse

Preventing Poor Performance dS, F/K/V

A Place for Everything dS, K/V

Kitchen Sink (dS AU, K/V someday leading to F/K/V)
A Beginning

Observation Period

AU Bingo (squares not filled by above links)

A Beginning S&MK

Planning dS (for the Stuff of Legends 'verse) adventurers

Arizona Danforth & Ryan ‘Don’t call me Jane’ Evans Chibi art, HSM, Chad, Ryan

A Winning Hand Fraser, RayK, RayV, Chibi art for my Winning Hand ‘verse (Prohibition Era)

Frannie and Turnbull Frannie, Turnbull Chibi art for my Winning Hand ‘verse (Prohibition Era)

Cotton Candy Bingo

In Plain Sight dS AU, F/K, part of my djinn!Ray series

A Little Less Conversation (A Little More Misdirection) dS AU, F/K implied, part of my djinn!Ray series

Call My Name or Walk On By Pretty in Pink future fic

Fan Flashworks

Wrong Time, Wrong Place, Right Idea dS, F/K

Every Story has a Starting Point dS AU, same 'verse as 2011's dSSS entry, Gonna Keep My Sheep Suit On

What If? dS AU, F/K, for the Do-Over challenge, this was an early scene I worked up for a version of my fic Kate & Leopold, Retold, with some major re-casting

8 1/2 x 11 Epiphany dS, K/V

Big Bangs

Not Seeing Is Believing S&MK/Invisible Man, Lee/Amanda, for Crossbigbang

Hunter & Hunted Supernatural/Brimstone, gen, for SNcrossbigbang

Stuff of Legends dS AU, F/K, for dS_C6Dbigbang


Chili, Cornbread and Chateaubriand S&MK, Francine/Leatherneck (yay rare pair!) for a Yahoogroups Rainbow Challenge

Something New HSM, Chad/Ryan pre-slash


Magic in the Wake of a Fiasco dS, F/K

Here we are (as in olden days) dS, F/K and Stella/RayV implied


Taste Supernatural/Harper's Island, for dS_C6D tag

The next three are all inspired by my Harper's Island Linnet Bird 'verse

Banyan Tree

Bone Tree


This entry was originally posted at http://mizface.dreamwidth.org/67840.html where there are

yearly writing post, winning hand 'verse, angel, i-man, rayswitch, au bingo, krkavec, art, linnet 'verse, fanfic, hsm, i finally made an spn tag, due south fic, s&mk, kitchen sink au, cotton candy bingo12, from the sketchbook of madison allen, birthday prompt, crossover

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