GBB Art Post - This Can't Be One Of Them

Mar 21, 2011 10:06

This is the art for the last gabriel_bigbang fic that I snagged! :D

This Can't Be One of Them, by theinsaneeraser
Supernatural, Sam/Gabriel, R, 16,810 words

With the war no longer hanging over their shoulders, everything should be going back to normal, right? No, Gabriel is still missing and with a hint from Raven will he be able to find him? Meanwhile Gabriel’s in hiding trying to recuperate from the scars his own brother has inflicted on him. Will Sam be able to find him, and if he does, will it be Gabriel he finds?

Sequel to A Thousand Ways I Could Fall.

Genres: Angst , Hurt/Comfort, (light)Femmeslash, Grace/Soul!kink, Wing!Kink, unintentional Bonding
Warnings: Mentions of torture, massacred Grace, angelcest, dark themes.

Here's the art I made for it:

Banner (click to see full size)

Part Headers (click to see full size)


Fanmix Cover (the fanmix by theinsaneeraser is here) (click to see full size)

( Icons and Graphics Masterlist)
( Resources)

icons, icons: supernatural, graphics, big bang, tv, english, supernatural, art

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