[music| "Little Tiny Moustache" --- Stephan Lynch ]
Weird ]
Today we went to the O'Tooles. It's what we do. We have no family around here, they have no family around here, we're practically family. It all just works out.
Lisa gave me a gift card to Hot Topic, but what I really love is this gund (sp?) blanket she gave my mom. It's so nice and soft, like my snowman. I'm kind of ... hoarding it right now.
This was definitely one of the better visits to the O'Tooles. I "watched" the Giants v. Redskins game with everyone. Then when I was bored, I went outside and played some "b-ball" with Lee. Which was an odd ammount of fun. I think Lee had forgotten I had played basketball. Granted, I was never any good, but he probably thought I'd be a complete push over.
Naturally, me being out of shape, my asthma kicked in after a while.
"I can't breathe!"
"Oh, poor you! You can't 'breathe!' Oh, wah. You know what that means? You forfeit the game. Sorry. That's what happens when you can't breathe. Too bad for you, wheezy."
Then I went inside an played Super Monkey Ball with Bridgette/Dylan. I don't care what anyone says, that game is as amazing as it is addictive. I'm not a gamer by trade, so shoot me.
I can tell that this Christmas is going to be a huge improvement over last year's. I'm glad to have a good Christmas this year.
On that note, I hope everyone else has a very happy Christmas indeed.
And I wish Liane luck rebuiling in New Orleans, it's a great thing you're doing.
[20:46] AshenLotus: COME BACK HERE!
[20:46] AshenLotus: And while you're at it, get Tom out of the closet too, will ya'?
[20:46] FrightndInmate 2: Tom is currently detained in the closet, sorry. Come back when he doesnt have a gag ball and leather chaps on ;)
Oh, Mr. Cruise, you had an interesting year.