the words "voluptious" and "curvy" are much older than the whole "anti-fat" epidemic, and represent shape, rather than size. maybe someone at some time did use it in that way against you, but i doubt your friend here was trying to sugar-coat an insult, she was making you a compliment. you are a very attractive woman. please accept it?
Main Entry: vo·lup·tuous Pronunciation: -sh&-w&s, -sh&s Function: adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Latin voluptuosus, irregular from voluptas pleasure, from volup pleasurable; akin to Greek elpesthai to hope, Latin velle to wish -- more at WILL 1 a : full of delight or pleasure to the senses : conducive to or arising from sensuous or sensual gratification : LUXURIOUS b : suggesting sensual pleasure by fullness and beauty of form 2 : given to or spent in enjoyments of luxury, pleasure, or sensual gratifications
i dont think that i am unattractive at all... i may feel that way from time to time but so does everyone... i have no problem accepting compliments, but i just dont understand why people get so upset that i call myself fat.
it's not self depricating, it's just what i am. i may be beautiful, but i am also fat. the two are not mutually exclusive.
and voluptuous and curvy and all those words are great at describing someone who may or may not be fat. but they dont replace the term fat as far as im concerned...
anyway... i think all this fat discussion is a little excessive and should probably take place elsewhere. my email inbox is overflowing with replies to new comments every 5 minutes.
i do appreciate the input and what not, but jeez o_o
last one, i swear! %-)tamperevidentFebruary 12 2004, 07:03:55 UTC
yeah, i know. have i given you a neurosis with all my replies yet? ;-P
i can be a bit excessive, when i latch onto an idea that really interests me, and this has been an extremely interesting discussion. i do apologize for any inconvenience. thank you for your participation, and i'm going to shut up now. :-)
Main Entry: vo·lup·tuous
Pronunciation: -sh&-w&s, -sh&s
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin voluptuosus, irregular from voluptas pleasure, from volup pleasurable; akin to Greek elpesthai to hope, Latin velle to wish -- more at WILL
1 a : full of delight or pleasure to the senses : conducive to or arising from sensuous or sensual gratification : LUXURIOUS b : suggesting sensual pleasure by fullness and beauty of form
2 : given to or spent in enjoyments of luxury, pleasure, or sensual gratifications
it's not self depricating, it's just what i am. i may be beautiful, but i am also fat. the two are not mutually exclusive.
and voluptuous and curvy and all those words are great at describing someone who may or may not be fat. but they dont replace the term fat as far as im concerned...
anyway... i think all this fat discussion is a little excessive and should probably take place elsewhere. my email inbox is overflowing with replies to new comments every 5 minutes.
i do appreciate the input and what not, but jeez o_o
i can be a bit excessive, when i latch onto an idea that really interests me, and this has been an extremely interesting discussion. i do apologize for any inconvenience. thank you for your participation, and i'm going to shut up now. :-)
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