More with the bees.

May 15, 2012 13:47

Got back from Indiana yesterday, but it was raining so I put off checking the hive until today. Cloudy, but not too windy, temperature about 68 degrees F. The bees looked good. Saw capped brood, larvae, and the queen. The two empty medium frames that I'd put between the feeder, and in the middle of the deep frames were drawn out real nice. The one in the middle even had about enough on the bottom to fill another frame. The outside deep looked to be mostly food, and no brood, so I moved that one to the outside and put the empty medium on the inside of that, so it looked like: d,em, d, fm, d, d, fm, f. D being the deeps, f being the feeder, and the em and fms being the empty and filled mediums respectively. Someday, I'll get pictures.


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