OK so it's taken me awhile to get this out, but this should help those of you that may be undecided. If you haven't guessed, it's time for the primaries. I'm a bit miffed that GA can't vote so for those of you that are in the lucky states, here are what some of the candidates are for and against. Now of course I can't put on all the issues cause I don't have the room or the time. But these are key points and the web address below will show the whole articles about them.
Face it, you are not going to find the perfect candidate. It's pretty impossible to find someone that will hit all your buttons. Your job as an American and a voter is to make informed decisions. Don't vote for someone because they are good looking or have good hair. Don't vote because it's a woman. Don't vote because the person is a minority. Vote for the issues that are for the good of the country, not just because the person is a Democrat or Republican. Each of these people has good and bad qualities. None of them are perfect but they do love this country.
Just remember that Bush is out and a new person is coming in. I can't stand Bush and I'm not going to let my disdain for him cloud the future and let potential good people slip through the ranks. My thoughts are and have always been for the good of this country. As should yours.
The post is too big for LJ so here is whole myspace blog that I put it on.
http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=212888739&blogID=344585517 This is my bottom line vote:
Rudy Giuliani
Acceptable to him if Roe v. Wade was either overturned or upheld.
Constitutionality question should be left to the court, but that he would appoint strict constitutionalists to the Supreme Court.
Supports a ban on partial birth abortions, but would allow exceptions to save the life of the mother.
Opposes federal funding for abortions, and says it should be up to each state to decide whether to provide funding.
Notes: When he was mayor of New York City, the number of abortions dropped and the number of adoptions rose.
Opposes gay marriage and has stated that "marriage should be between a man and a woman."
Does not, however, support a federal amendment banning gay marriage. As mayor, he signed legislation recognizing domestic partnerships, marched in gay pride parades, actively supported gay rights and temporarily lived with a gay couple during his divorce.
Supports efforts to create a guest worker program.
Illegal immigrants already in the U.S. should be identified, go through background checks, learn English, pay taxes and penalties, and then wait their turn behind lawful immigrants to earn legal status.
Notes: Terrorism risk created by not having secure borders.
As mayor of New York, Giuliani allowed the children of illegal immigrants to attend public schools.
Pulling out of Iraq would put the U.S. on the defense in the War on Terror.
Democrats' proposed withdrawal was "highly irresponsible" and like handing America's enemies "a printed-out list of how we're going to retreat."
Has offered some criticism of the Bush administration. He says the U.S. did not initially send enough troops, and that the decision to dismantle the Iraqi Army was wrong.
Increase training for local, state, and private sector disaster workers for emergency management.
Encourage local leaders to form a "citizen auxiliary" of staff who can enhance disaster response.
Overhaul FEMA to make it more able to track and distribute relief supplies and to make it be less bureaucratic and more responsive to emergencies.
Health Insurance Credit to low-income families that can be used in conjunction with Medicaid and private insurance funds to provide health insurance.
Supports tort reform to limit medical liability in frivolous lawsuits.
http://youdecide08.foxnews.com/rudy-giuliani/ My take
I want someone in office that has the experience and the drive to make this country great. To me Rudy has these qualities and has already proven to be a man that can do the job. OK so he’s been divorced several (3) times. Are we truly going to look over someone because of this? Um, we let Clinton who was a known adulterer be elected a 2nd term. At least Rudy isn’t staying with his ex’s because of politics. He’s the only Republican candidate that the Catholic Coalition won’t back. Well Thank Goodness for this!! We need less religion in our government and more of a real true person who is going to dictate the presidency as a president. Not as mouthpiece for religious zealots! The fact that Rudy is very aware of the Islamic threat against this country makes him the one for me.
What makes him perfect? He’s not! He’s a real person who has had real issues. He’s been through so much turmoil and come through it with egg on his face. I want someone who has had the hard knocks, knows how to deal with them and can move on. He’s socially liberal; this is something that the RNC needs to take advantage of. The Democrats are so far left that it leaves many constituents like myself no breathing room and then they drop their party. I’ve been a Democrat well since I turned 18. The past two years that has changed radically. Why? Well read my past blogs to find out.
He’s middle of the road. He’s a realist who sees the social issues in this country and is willing to work with the people, not quote religious scripture as a cop out. He believes that the state should be making its own decisions and less government messing around with you. This country needs a person who is willing to really work to get this country back on track. That’s what we need and that’s who I’m voting for. The man cleaned up New York before 9/11 and when 9/11 happened he was right there. He has a proven track record of getting in there and getting things done. The man threw Yasser Arafat a known Terrorist out of his city!!! This man is tough and doesn’t care about stepping on toes to do the right thing. This is my vote for the Presidency.
Now if you really want to see all the candidates and what they stand for here you go: