Sanctuary Cities

Jan 15, 2008 23:28

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Category: News and Politics

I'm not prejudice, but mine and your tax dollars go to support illegal immigrants and their families. How? School, medical insurance, taxes, auto insurance. Everything that this country is based on is being slowly subverted by a sub culture of people who don't pay taxes. Who come into this country with no papers and no regard for this country at all. This is of course is how terrorists can come in here with no detection. Let's not forget that not all these people come over here for the purpose of a new life. They come here and commit crime, are part of gangs and try to destroy our country from within.

The Democrats wish to open up our doors to anyone and have even set up sanctuary cities where these people can hide in. In New York they want to issue valid driver licenses to illegal immigrants.

As most of you know my pick for President is Rudy Giuliani.  These are some of his quotes about illegal immigration:

·         Wants to build a physical fence and a high-tech fence

·         Larger, better-trained border patrol

·         Tamper-proof biometric ID card for all non-citizens

·         Single national database to keep track of foreigners entering and exiting our country

·         Immigrants to read, write, and speak English

·         End illegal immigration or we risk legal immigration

Now Mitt Romney has accused Rudy of having New York has a Sanctuary City.

Sanctuary" Semantics

Romney and Giuliani accused each other of willfully providing "sanctuary" to immigrants who are in the U.S. illegally. Both men exaggerated, though we find their denials are more strained than their accusations.

Cooper: Governor Romney, was New York a sanctuary city?
Romney: Absolutely. Called itself a sanctuary city, and as a matter of fact, when the Welfare Reform Act that President Clinton brought forward said that they were going to end the sanctuary policy of New York City, the mayor brought a suit to maintain its sanctuary city status.

Romney is simply wrong on one point: New York never called itself a "sanctuary city." We find no instance where it did, and the Romney campaign has been unable to provide one.

However, a 2005 report by the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service (updated in 2006) lists NYC under the general heading of "Sanctuary States and Cities" and says it is among those that follow "sanctuary policies." It lists the city among 32 that "utilized various mechanisms to ensure that unauthorized aliens who may be present in their jurisdiction illegally are not turned in to federal authorities." But unlike some other cities on the CRS list, New York has never "called itself a sanctuary city," and Romney was wrong to say that it did.

Giuliani also strained the facts when he flatly stated during the debate that New York "was not a sanctuary city." Obviously, the CRS disagrees. New York indeed had a policy, which Giuliani defended during the debate, that forbade city employees from giving federal immigration officials the names of illegal aliens unless the immigrant was suspected of other criminal activity or turning the person over was required by law. That protection was granted by a previous mayor through executive order 124 in 1989 and renewed by Giuliani. However the city chooses to characterize its policies, they fit the description of "sanctuary" applied by neutral experts.

Regarding this issue with Rudy I heard him explain himself at a recent debate. As the Mayor of NY there was a policy in place that police were not supposed to ask if they were illegal or not. The reasoning was that there was a class of people who were here illegally but they were being victims of those that knew that they couldn't ask for help. So you have basically people who were being beaten, killed, raped and abused and had no voice. So I guess the moral higher ground was this, do you let this practice continue and let the law dictate what is the right thing to do? Or do you give these people retain some dignity and save lives. Since this practice was put in place, crime in NY dropped dramatically but he believes that changes MUST be put into place for the safety of our country.

A great story from Neal Boortz:

Original story

Officials in Mexicans border towns are preparing for an influx of repatriated Mexicans from the United States. These illegal immigrants are returning from whence they came because of news employer sanction laws in Arizona. Officials in San Luis Rio Colorado, Mexico are asking the Mexican federal government for money to establish a city-run assistance center for repatriated immigrants. And guess what? San Luis Rio Colorado happens to be right across the border from San Luis, Arizona. That's right. A new law goes into effect for Arizona businesses employing illegal aliens and look what happens. They pack their bags, don their sombreros and its back home they go. Self deport! Isn't that just great?

Unfortunately, for every story like this, there are five more about sanctuary cities and accommodations for illegal immigrants in the US. In Maryland for example, the governor wants to issue a two-tiered driver's license system; one of these licenses would be for illegal immigrants. The license couldn't be used to board airplanes, enter federal buildings or cross borders … but it would still be a form of legal state identification.

See if your state has a Sanctuary and let your politician know that it's NOT OK for our resources to be drained by these people.

List of US Sanctuary Cities*  State/City

rudy giuliani, sanctuary cities, politics

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