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Comments 39

kalypso_v October 24 2007, 12:25:47 UTC
Hullo, good to see you! I hope you're back in all dimensions soon.


mistraltoes October 25 2007, 01:35:48 UTC
Hi! I confess I could do with more depth, but less width. ;-)


entropy_house October 24 2007, 14:01:20 UTC
Hi and *hugs*.

Incommodocado is when the phone rings while you're in the toilet. :^)


jthijsen October 24 2007, 18:59:24 UTC
Ah yes, that eternal internal struggle when your mobile phone rings while your pants are around your ankles: to answer and treat the listener to all the wonderful sounds you're making, or to be a coward and let the voicemail handle it.

Me, I'm a coward...


entropy_house October 24 2007, 19:47:58 UTC
9 times out of 10 it's either a wrong number or a charity soliticitation anyway.


mistraltoes October 25 2007, 01:34:41 UTC
::would wave but is too busy groaning::


communicator October 24 2007, 15:40:29 UTC
Glad to hear from you - hope you aren't feeling too poorly


mistraltoes October 25 2007, 01:36:47 UTC
Thanks. At least it only hurts while I'm awake. ;-)


izhilzha October 24 2007, 16:07:00 UTC
Hi! Glad to see a post from you; I wasn't too worried, but it's still nice. Wish I could help with the compy stuff, but that's my brother's area rather than mine.


mistraltoes October 25 2007, 01:38:10 UTC
::waves:: Now, you stay away from the fires so that I won't be too worried. :)


jthijsen October 24 2007, 16:31:17 UTC
You're very welcome ( ... )


izhilzha October 24 2007, 16:44:01 UTC
Your icon wins at life!


jthijsen October 24 2007, 18:54:46 UTC
Thanks! Like most of my icons, it was made by that master icon maker sallymn.


kerravonsen October 24 2007, 22:33:31 UTC
What she said ( ... )


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